,current_time.month)total_days=total_days[1]foriinrange(total_days):os.mkdir(str(i+1)) before replace 在Vim 中运行:1,3 s/^/#,后,效果如下: # from datetime import datetime# import calendar# import oscurrent_time=...
This was all about forward indentation or tabbing. Let’s do the backward indentation of multiple lines at once. It would be done with a minor change. Add the line range, i.e., 1, 5, in the range command. With that, replace the “>” characters with the “<” character in it and...
Replace content Undo and redo operations Indent and typeset lines Comment out code Save a file and exit Encrypt a file Run commands Modify files in multiple windows Obtain help information Examples Modify a configuration file Insert content on a specific line Find and insert content Delete content...
1122 What is your most productive shortcut with Vim? 2435 Indent multiple lines quickly in vi 2393 Vim clear last search highlighting 1637 What's a quick way to comment/uncomment lines in Vim? 2097 How to do case insensitive search in Vim 2455 How to replace a character by a newline...
For this example, I made sure that the string 'Hello' occurred several times in at least one line and multiple times in the file. I want to replace 'Hello' with the string 'HI'. Below is the Vim command to do that: :%s/Hello/HI/g ...
The y$ command copies the text from the end of a certain line to the location where the cursor is now located. Therefore, we inserted multiple lines using the insert mode, setting the cursor to the first character of the first line. The second line is reached after pressing the “y$”...
replace terminal file-explorer plugin-maneger git finder apps ui-creator treesitter keys tags todo-list repalce filemanager keymap-creater language-suport from-one-to-more-lines abbreviations functions-commands speed-up-loadtimes pairs remote highlight-underline marks markdown-org-neorg use-instead libs...
Copy three lines Reformat/Refactor a Golfer Class multiple cursor alternative Split line with dots switch variable From argument to object -a-b-c- attr_aligner Triangular Numbers Search and Replace 0 quotes inside quotes That hyphen Simple format (2) Extract argument from function Preferably without...
If you want to delete multiple lines in Vim, you can use the same ddVim commandby adding the number of lines to it. So,10ddwill delete 10 lines from the bottom of the cursor (including the line that the cursor is at). Let's take a detailed look at how you can delete one or mor...
:%s/old/new/g - replace all old with new throughout file :%s/old/new/gc - replace all old with new throughout file with confirmations :noh[lsearch] - remove highlighting of search matches Search in multiple files :vim[grep] /pattern/ {`{file}`} - search for pattern in multiple files...