键盘移动 (Move) 一切都从键盘的移动 k -> 上 up j -> 下 down h -> 左 left l -> 右 right z -> 重画屏幕,当前光标变成屏幕的第一行 (redraw current line at top of window) CTRL-f -> 跳到下一页 (page down) CTRL-b -> 跳到上一页 (page up) 跳跃指令 (jumps) 跳跃指令类似于游览...
:new -> 分屏并且在新屏中建立一个空白文件 (split windows with a new blank file) CTRL-w+j/k/h/l -> 利用CTRL加w加上j/k/h/l在不同的屏内切换 (switch, move between split screens) CTRL-w+ -/+ -> 增减分屏的大小 (change split size) CTRL-w+t -> 移动到最顶端的那个屏 (move to ...
gC - toggles block comment. For example gCi) to comment out everything within parentheses.vim-indent-objectBased on vim-indent-object, it allows for treating blocks of code at the current indentation level as text objects. Useful in languages that don't use braces around statements (e.g. Py...
git mv :Gmove n git rm :Gremove n Open the current file in Github :Gbrowse n Spell Check Enable checking set spell n move to the next misspelled word ]s n move to the previous misspelled word [s n add a word to the dictionary zg n undo the addition of a word to th...
} - jump to next paragraph (or function/block, when editing code) { - jump to previous paragraph (or function/block, when editing code) zz - center cursor on screen Ctrl + e - move screen down one line (without moving cursor) Ctrl + y - move screen up one line (without moving cur...
array of IRelationship トックを分岐の下の方に移動します 操作: MoveTopicToBottom 特定トピックを分岐の下の方に移動します。 パメーター テブルを展開する 名キー必須型説明 Ma データベースの識別子です。 dbIdTrue uuid Ma データベースの識別子です。 トックの言語です...
Move a specific topic one place down in the branch. Move a topic down in the branch Move a specific topic one place down in the branch. Move a topic to the bottom of the branch Move a specific topic to the bottom of the branch. Move a topic to the top of the branch Move a...
Press 'Ctrl + v' to enter Visual Block mode The Visual Block mode allows you to make a rectangular selection of text and manipulate it that way. From here, you can do whatever you want to select text first to get a visual representation of what will be pasted after copying it or cutti...
Plugin'VundleVim/Vundle.vim'" Allofyour Plugins must be added before the following line call vundle#end()" required filetype plugin indent on " required 3、安装 使用vim打开.vimrc文件 : vim .vimrc 按键”shift+;”进入命令模式,输入:PluginInstall,然后回车即可完成安装 ...
Move a specific topic one place down in the branch. Move a topic down in the branch Move a specific topic one place down in the branch. Move a topic to the bottom of the branch Move a specific topic to the bottom of the branch. Move a topic to the top of the branch Move a...