可记忆为:go to file 类似超链接跳转后,可使用\<C-o>返回原文件 gf命令操作例子 如:`include one.v gf命令:此时文件将会跳转到one.v文件 四、寄存器 1.复制与粘贴 (1)寄存器 无名寄存器:" 有名寄存器:"a-"z 通过"{register}(register=a-zA-Z)指定要用的寄存器 注:用小写字母引用有名寄存器,会...
Jump to file normal gf <Plug>(mkdx-gf) Jump to file visual gf <Plug>(mkdx-gf-visual) Open external file normal gx <Plug>(mkdx-gx) Open external file visual gx <Plug>(mkdx-gx-visual) Indent numbered list item tab <Plug>(mkdx-indent) Unindent numbered list item shift+tab <Plug...
vim +/pattern filename:打开文件,并将光标置于第一个与pattern匹配的串处 vim -r filename :在上...
" Uncomment the following to have Vim jump to the last position when " reopening a file if has("autocmd") au BufReadPost * if line("'\"") > 1 && line("'\"") <= line("$") | exe "normal! g'\"" | endif "have Vim load indentation rules and plugins according to the detecte...
sections = { lualine_a = { { 'buffers', show_filename_only = true, -- Shows shortened relative path when set to false. hide_filename_extension = false, -- Hide filename extension when set to true. show_modified_status = true, -- Shows indicator when the buffer is modified. mode ...
file to practice on (if you started"vimtutor"this is already a copy). It is important to remember that this tutor issetup to teach by use. That means that you need to execute the commands to learn them properly. If you only read the text, you will forget the commands!
"// Set "<F12>" key for updating the tags file artificiallyletg:SrcExpl_updateTagsKey ="<F12>"" // Set "<F3>" key for displaying the previous definition in the jump list let g:SrcExpl_prevDefKey = "<F3>" "// Set "<F4>" key for displaying the next definition in the jump list...
" nmap <leader>fu :se fileformat=unix<CR> " use Ctrl+[l|n|p|cc] to list|next|previous|jump to count the result " map <C-x>l <ESC>:cl<CR> " map <C-x>n <ESC>:cn<CR> " map <C-x>p <ESC>:cp<CR> " map <C-x>c <ESC>:cc<CR> ...
nmap<leader>fd:se fileformat=dos<CR>nmap<leader>fu:se fileformat=unix<CR>" use Ctrl+[l|n|p|cc]to list|next|previous|jump to count the result " map<C-x>l<ESC>:cl<CR>" map<C-x>n<ESC>:cn<CR>" map<C-x>p<ESC>:cp<CR>" map<C-x>c<ESC>:cc<CR>" Python 文件的一般设置...
To guide you through the setup process: :SMLCheckHealth To ask for the type of a variable: :SMLTypeQuery To jump to a definition: :SMLJumpToDef To open a REPL for the current project: :SMLReplStart To load (or reload) the current file or CM project: ...