Speed Dating also includes a number of other increment and decrement improvements, some of which we’ll dive into in future newsletter editions. Since Vim version 7.4.754, incrementing and decrementing numbers has also worked with visual block selections, making quick work of numerical lists, such...
:vmap sb \"zdi<C-R>z<ESC> :在visual模式下选中的文字前后分别加上和 # 译释:vmap 是绑定一个在visual模式下的快捷键\r\n# 译释:原理:在visual模式下,# 译释:原理:在visual模式下,\"zd 把一个选中的区域命名为z 然后删除, # i 进入插入模式,输入,<C-R>z 撤销刚才的删除,然后再写入, # 最后...
For adding line numbers in front of all lines, start on the first line and add "1. " to it manually. Increment the number under the cursor by using <c-a>, displayed as ^A.qq 0yf jP0^A q 1000@q Here we simply hope that the file doesn't contain more than 1000 lines when ...
For adding line numbers in front of all lines, start on the first line and add "1. " to it manually. Increment the number under the cursor by using <c-a>, displayed as ^A.qq 0yf jP0^A q 1000@q Here we simply hope that the file doesn't contain more than 1000 lines when ...
:g/loc\|function/s/\d/\=submatch(0)+6/: increment numbers by 6 on certain lines only :%s#txtdev\zs\d#\=submatch(0)+1#g :%s/\(gg\)\@<=\d\+/\=submatch(0)+6/: increment only numbers gg\d\d by 6 (another way) :let i=10 | 'a,'bg/Abc/s/yy/\=i/ |let i=i+...
每行前面插入行号如下 :%s/^/\=line(".")/ 可视区域插入从1开始的编号 :'<,'>s/^/\=line('...
" visual searching :vmap // y/<C-R>"<CR> : visually模式下的键盘映射,把//映射成匹配当前选中的文本 :vmap <silent> // y/<C-R>=escape(@", '\\/.*$^~[]')<CR><CR> : 包括空白字符 " \zs 和 \ze 匹配原 :h /\zs /<\zs[^>]*\ze> : 匹配尖括号中的内容 ...
gv Go to last visual selection Navigation Normal g* Search word under cursor (partial) Navigation Normal g# Search word under cursor backwards (partial) Navigation Normal * Search word under cursor Navigation Normal # Search word under cursor backwards Navigation Normal x Delete character under curso...
In block mode, it goes to the opposite diagonal corner: use v_O to go to the opposite horizontal corner. g ctrl-A / ctrl-X In visual mode, ctrl-A just increments the first number on every line. g ctrl-A, on the other hand, will bump the increment by one for each matching line...
Add configuration semanticTokens.incrementTypes. Add configuration semanticTokens.combinedModifiers. Add command semanticTokens.refreshCurrent. Add command semanticTokens.inspect. Add action inspectSemanticToken. Rework command semanticTokens.checkCurrent to show highlight information. Support semantic tokens high...