Thanks to new APIs in Vim and Neovim, it's similar to coloring over text with a highlighter. The position is updated when inserting or deleting the line above.To set a Positional Highlight on a specific line, press the HiSetSL key in normal or visual mode. Multiline highlighting is now...
'hls' 'hlsearch' highlight all matching phrases You can either use the long or the short option name. 键入":set xxx" 以设置选项 "xxx". 一些选项: 'ic' 'ignorecase' 搜索时忽略大小写 'is' 'incsearch' 部分显示匹配的搜索短语。 'hls' 'hlsearch' 高亮所有匹配的短语 你可选用长的或者短的选项...
2631 char_u *pattern; /* pattern to highlight */ 2632 int hlg_id; /* highlight group ID */ 2633 regmmatch_T match; /* regexp program for pattern */ 2634 posmatch_T pos; /* position matches */ 2635 match_T hl; /* struct for doing the actual highlighting */ 2636 };...
Vim is a lightweight but powerful all-purpose text editor that addresses all your text editing needs, from basic configuration file editing to emulating entire Integrated Development Environments (IDE) for software development. I've been using Vim in one way or another for over 20 years, but ar...
Highlight FAQ Contributing Credit About There have been many attempts at bringing Sublime Text's awesome multiple selection feature into Vim, but none so far have been in my opinion a faithful port that is simplistic to use, yet powerful and intuitive enough for an existing Vim user. vim-mult...
set expandtab " tab to spaces,当你键入tab时,自动转为空格。 set cursorline " highlight the cursor line set hlsearch " highlight search: hlsearch/hls/nohlsearch/nohls set nowrap Syntax highlighting in vim,通常默认支持; :syntax enable or ...
autocmd BufEnter * highlight OverLength ctermbg=darkgrey guibg=#592929 autocmd BufEnter * match OverLength /\%74v.*/ augroup END This will highlight all characters past 74 columns (tweak that number as desired) in dark grey (tweak that color as desired), and is a nice visual cue whe...
Note:You can substitutehighlightwithhifor short. The following example shows how thehighlightcommand works. For instance, the file has the default color scheme in Vim: Set allNormaltext to red (foreground) and the background color to black. Type the following: ...
Vim can highlight whitespaces for you in a convenient way: setlistsetlistchars=tab:>.,trail:.,extends:#,nbsp:. This line will make Vim set out tab characters, trailing whitespace and invisible spaces visually, and additionally use the#sign at the end of lines to mark lines that extend of...
HOW TO:使用ClearType增强屏幕字体 Vim字体设置 Windows gvim启动时默认激活最大化。 au GUIEnter * simalt ~x 参考:h gui-win32-maximized其他操作系统可以参考在kde中让gvim自动最大化在Gnome下让GVIM自动最大化 设置宽度不明的文字(如""①②→