In any case, you can tell test.vim to use a different working directory for running tests:let test#project_root = "/path/to/your/project"Language-specificPythonSince there are multiple Python test runners for the same type of tests, test.vim has no way of detecting which one did you ...
Ensure that your version of Vim isat least7.3.584andthat it has support for python2 scripting. Inside Vim, type:version. Look at the first two to three lines of output; it should sayVi IMproved X.Y, where X.Y is the major version of vim. If your version is greater than 7.3, then...
vim-autoformat requires vim to have python support (python 2 or python 3). You can check your vim has python support by running :echo has("python3") and :echo has("python2"). Neovim Neovim does not come with python support by default, and additional setup is required. First install ...
复制 {"suggest.noselect":true,"suggest.enablePreselect":false,"codeLens.enable":true,"java.home":"/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk-11.0.9.jdk/Contents/Home","suggest.completionItemKindLabels":{"class":"\uf0e8","color":"\ue22b","constant":"\uf8fe","default":"\uf29c","enum":"...
3、Code Completion: Clangd can perform code completions at a lower latency than libclang; also, it has information about all the symbols in your project so it can suggest items outside your current TU and also provides proper #include insertions for those items. Signature help: Clangd provides...
Check :h nvim-treesitter-commands for a list of all available commands. It may be necessary to reload the buffer (e.g., via :e) after enabling a module interactively.Supported languagesFor nvim-treesitter to support a specific feature for a specific language requires both a parser for ...
3.安装C-support--加速C/Cpp开发 下载地址: 安装: 将下载的文件放到~/.vim目录中 $ cd ~/.vim $ unzip cvim.zip在.vimrc中添加 filetype plugin on 使能该插件。 使用方法: 1)自动添加文件头: 添加你自己的信息: vim ~/.vim/c-support/templates/Templates ...
再移植个 emacs的后台任务管理器之类的,以 Python的强大,外加 Vim 自身机制的提升,实现一个 org-...
1. 前言 目前最常用的环境还是linux的服务器,所以最终选择的是nvim作为自己的首要编辑器,毕竟没有写一些比较大型的项目。在经过多次的摸索后,我还是选择了Neovim + Coc.nvim,放弃了 YCM。 在文章的最后,有完整的init.vim文件,这个文件是我目前正在使用的,相对于文中
vnoremap <silent><nowait><expr> <C-b> coc#float#has_scroll() ? coc#float#scroll(0) : "\<C-b>" endif " Use CTRL-S for selections ranges. " Requires 'textDocument/selectionRange' support of language server. nmap <silent> <C-s> <Plug>(coc-range-select) ...