错误消息 "package 'vim' has no installation candidate" 的含义: 这个错误消息表示在尝试通过包管理器(如APT在Debian、Ubuntu及其衍生系统上)安装vim包时,系统无法在配置的软件源(repositories)中找到一个可安装的vim包版本。这通常意味着软件源列表中没有包含提供vim包的仓库,或者仓库中的包索引(package index)尚未...
解决Ubuntu 安装vim 的Package vim has no installation candidate问题解决办法:1、备份源文件,cp -i ...
This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source E: Package 'vim' has no installation candidate root@zhouls-virtual-machine:~# 解决办法: sudo apt-getupdate && sudo apt-getinstall vim 成功!!! 我这里,是用的是NAT模式。大家可以见如下博...
This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source E: Package 'vim' has no installation candidate root@zhouls-virtual-machine:~# 解决办法: sudo apt-getupdate && sudo apt-getinstall vim 成功!!! 我这里,是用的是NAT模式。大家可以见如下博...
简介 解决has no installation candidate 工具/原料 VMWare ubuntu 方法/步骤 1 如果您创建虚拟机时,采用简易安装操作系统的方法安装操作系统,很容易安不上vim。2 解决办法虽然简单,但我还是花了一下午才发现这个方法。选中稍后安装操作系统,先安装一块空白硬盘。3 随后,在运行虚拟机,编辑虚拟机设置时,指定镜像...
This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source E: Package <packagename> has no installation candidate 解决方法如下: # apt-get update # apt-get upgrade # apt-get install <packagename> ...
This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source E: Package <packagename> has no installation candidate 解决方法如下: # apt-get update # apt-get upgrade # apt-get install <packagename> ...
E: Package 'vim' has no installation candidate 然后我更新源:sudo apt-get update结果还是不行,然后修改了源:sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list 然后把里面的删除,然后把下面的内容插进去。 deb http://mirrors.aliyun.com/ubuntu/ trusty main multiverse restricted universe ...
But actuallyubuntu-latestinstalls Ubuntu 20.04https://github.com/rhysd/git-messenger.vim/runs/1801957774?check_suite_focus=true#step:1:2 This is caused by recent GitHub Actions change.ubuntu-latestchanges Ubuntu version from 18.04 to 20.04. ...
is only available from another source E: Package 'vim' has no installation candidate root@zhouls-virtual-machine:~# 解决办法: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install vim 成功!!! 我这里,是用的是NAT模式。大家可以见如下博客