let g:neoformat_json_python = { \ 'exe': "python", \ 'args': ['-m', 'json.tool'] \ } let g:neoformat_enabled_json = ['python'] 这里直接使用python提供的格式化工具。如果使用了SpaceVim的话,启用format layer之后,那么使用[SPC]bf快捷键,就可以格式化了。格式化之后,果然赏心悦目了不少。但...
比如用%!jq来格式化json,用%!sort排序,用%!clang-format格式化代码,用%!xxd转换 16 进制模式 ......
Pretty format a json file in vim with jq Viewing a minified or unformatted json in vim can be a headache. But luckily for us, that's an easy fix if you havejqinstalled. The following command will pass the contents of your current buffer to thejqexternal command for formatting: :!%jq....
php 的json_encode能把数组转换为json格式的字符串。字符串没有缩进,中文会转为unicode编码,例如\u975...
+ prettier自动格式化代码配置; 2.文件—首选项—设置—用户设置—拓展—ESlint—点击“在setting.json...
jq.vim json.vim json5.vim jsonc.vim jsp.vim julia.vim karel.vim kconfig.vim kdl.vim kivy.vim kix.vim kotlin.vim krl.vim kscript.vim kwt.vim lace.vim latte.vim lc.vim ld.vim ldapconf.vim ldif.vim less.vim lex.vim lf.vim lftp.vim lhaskell.vim libao.vim lidris2.vim lifelines.vi...
.luarc.json chore: recognize busted functions Nov 3, 2024 .stylua.toml chore: format with stylua 0.12.0 (#2421) Jan 31, 2022 .styluaignore Use stylua for autoformat code (#1480) Jul 5, 2021 CONTRIBUTING.md refactor(queries): Remove quotes from properties in set! directive Jul 28, ...
And command mode is the powerhouse, where you can type Linux commands such as formatting a JSON file with:%!jq(whereasjqis a command line tool installed on your machine) and execute them within Vim. This is also where you can use Vim commands such as:sortfor sorting your files. ...
NOTE: This plugin is only guaranteed to work with specific versions of language parsers (as specified in the lockfile.json). When upgrading the plugin, you must make sure that all installed parsers are updated to the latest version via :TSUpdate. It is strongly recommended to automate this; ...
Vim has a built-in spell checker, but this one gives you the advantages of using an external tool and a standard format. On Debian and Ubuntu, use the following command: sudo apt install aspell On AlmaLinux, CentOS, Fedora, use the following command: sudo dnf install aspell aspell-en ...