:set patchmode=.orig -> 保存原始文件为 文件名.orig (keep orignal file as filename.orig) 开启,保存与退出 (save & exit) :w-> 保存文件 (write file) :w! -> 强制保存 (force write) :q -> 退出文件 (exit file without save) :q! -> 强制退出 (force quite without save) :e filename ...
在使用Vim编辑器的过程中,有时候我们可能会遇到退出但是没有保存修改的情况。 当我们在Vim中编辑一个文件时,通常我们需要用到以下命令来保存文件并退出: :wq –保存文件并退出:q! –不保存文件,强制退出如果我们在Vim中编辑一个文件并且进行了一些修改,但是在退出时不小心使用了“:q! vimxxxx进入对应的文件之中...
:q -> 退出文件 (exit file without save) :q! -> 强制退出 (force quite without save) :e filename -> 打开一个文件名为filename的文件 (open file to edit) :e! filename -> 强制打开一个文件,所有未保存的东西会丢失 (force open, drop dirty buffer) :saveas filename -> 另存为 filename ...
Second, type:q!and press Enter. This tellsvito quit without saving any changes. (If you do want to save your changes, type:wqinstead.) 其次,输入:q!然后按Enter。 这告诉vi退出而不保存任何更改。 (如果确实要保存更改,请键入:wq。)
:exit to write and exit (same as :x) :qa to quit all (short for :quitall) :cq to quit without saving and make Vim return non-zero error (i.e. exit with error) You can also exit Vim directly from "Normal mode" by typing ZZ to save and quit (same as :x) or ZQ to just ...
3. How to exit Vim in the terminal without saving? To exit Vim without saving changes: Switch to command mode by pressing the Esc key. Press : (colon) to open the prompt bar in the bottom left corner of the window. Type q! after the colon and hit Enter to exit without saving the...
Save file :q Exit Vim :q! Quit without saving :x Write file (if changes has been made) and exit :sav filename Saves file asfilename . Repeats the last change made in normal mode 5. Repeats 5 times the last change made in normal mode ...
Hit Ctrl+S to save your commit message. To discard, just close the notepad window without saving. In case you hit the shortcut for save, then decide to abort, go to File->Save as, and in the dialog that opens, change "Save as type" to "All files (*.*)". You will see a...
要临时关闭 Vim 中的插件,可以使用以下步骤: 1. 打开 Vim 配置文件。在命令模式下输入以下命令: ``` :e ~/.vimrc ``` 如果您使用的是 Neovim,请输入以下命令:...