Buffer Completion The current buffer, as well as other open buffers, are searched for completion candidates using an asynchronous mechanism with a timeout. This approach ensures that the completion engine is not slowed down by large buffers. ...
When all changes in a buffer have been undone, the buffer is not considered changed anymore. You can exit it with :q, without <!>. When undoing a few changes and then making a new change Vim will create a branch in the undo tree. This means you can go back to any state of...
Wrap in double quote <leader>" nv Emmet Expand abbreviation <c-k>, i html,css,scss Next sections to come soon Modes : n normal i insert v visual Commands : :command a Vim command :set something can also be replaced by :setlocal something to apply it to the current buffer only ...
"set whichwrap+=<,>,h,l " 允许backspace和光标键跨越行边界(不建议) "set scrolloff=3 " 光标移动到buffer的顶部和底部时保持3行距离 set novisualbell " 不要闪烁(不明白) set statusline=%F%m%r%h%w\ [FORMAT=%{&ff}]\ [TYPE=%Y]\ [POS=%l,%v][%p%%]\ %{strftime(\"%d/%m/%y\ -\ ...
然后,在vim中设置了,用shift+Tab来切换buffer,挺方便。 关闭一个buffer,而不退出窗口,在标签上按d,这是MiniBufExplorer的命令。个 7. Taglist 提醒用 s 来切换按名字排序(大写,再小写,每个里面按首字母)还是出现次序排序 用u 来更新list(默认可以再次调用ctags) ...
991 int is_buflocal; 992 int buflocal_nr; 993 char_u buflocal_pat[25]; /* for "<buffer=X>" */ 994 995 if (group == AUGROUP_ALL) 996 findgroup = current_augroup; 997 else 998 findgroup = group; 999 allgroups = (group == AUGROUP_ALL && !forceit && *cmd == ...
This is required because the 1529 * GUI can redraw at any time for any buffer. 1530 */ 1531 static garray_T term_attr_table = {0, 0, 0, 0, NULL}; 1532 1533 #define TERM_ATTR_ENTRY(idx) ((attrentry_T *)term_attr_table.ga_data)[idx] 1534 1535 static garray_T c...
buffer管理设置 重新加载Vimrc设置 自动拉取更新设置 插入模式光标移动 回车正确缩进 插入模式类似emacs移动...
BufferTags<CR> nnoremap <silent> [fzf-p]q :<C-u>CocCommand fzf-preview.QuickFix<CR> nnoremap <silent> [fzf-p]l :<C-u>CocCommand fzf-preview.LocationList<CR> nnoremap <silent> [fzf-p]a :<C-u>CocCommand fzf-preview.ProjectFiles<CR> ...
diff(git diff status) encoding(file encoding) fileformat(file format) filename filesize filetype hostname location(location in file in line:column format) mode(vim mode) progress(%progress in file) searchcount(number of search matches when hlsearch is active) ...