在IntelliJ中恢复类似vim的Ctrl-W行为,可以通过以下步骤实现: 打开IntelliJ IDEA,点击顶部菜单栏的"File"(文件)选项。 在下拉菜单中选择"Settings"(设置)选项,打开IntelliJ的设置界面。 在设置界面中,选择"Keymap"(键盘映射)选项。 在右侧的搜索框中输入"Close",找到"Editor Actions -> Close"(编辑器动作 -> 关...
在进入下一个配置之前,先了解一下如何在 neovim 中使用它内置的终端。 我们之前说过在命令模式中可以...
Vim easymotion - not using leader key at all #4824 [BUG] VSCodeVim update seems to have overwritten ctrl-shift-p #4802 Flaky tests #4801 Key binding bug in 1.14.0 #4793 Redo <C-r> is not working #4763 bug substitution with parenthesis #4754 Using :w when text has been selected cause...
在下述示例子中,我们将添加“ctrlp”模糊查找插件到opt目录。下载最新版本的命令如下: curl-Lhttps://github.com/kien/ctrlp.vim/archive/1.79.tar.gz\\ |tarzx-C~/.vim/pack/foobar/opt 该命令创建了 ~/.vim/pack/foobar/opt/ctrlp.vim-1.79 文件夹,现在这个包可以使用了。我们再次回到vim中,为这个新...
Alright! You've hopefully installed, configured Vim-CtrlSpace, and restarted Vim (otherwise do it!). Now you're wondering how to start using this thing. First, you need to select a project. Vim operates in a directory, described asCWD(Current Working Directory). If you've just started a...
ctrl-w > //向右加宽,默认值为1 ctrl-w N > //向右加宽宽度N ctrl-w < // 同理 横屏/竖屏分屏打开当前文件 ctrl+w s ctrl+w v 切换分屏 ctrl+w h,j,k,l ctrl+w 上下左右键 crtl+w进行分屏窗口的切换 按完以后再按一个w crtl+w进行分屏窗口的切换 按完以后再按一个r 互换窗口 ...
" Git plugin not hosted on GitHub Plugin 'git://git.wincent.com/command-t.git' " git repos on your local machine (i.e. when working on your own plugin) Plugin 'file:///home/gmarik/path/to/plugin' " The sparkup vim script is in a subdirectory of this repo called vim. "...
总所周知,Vim是一款文本编辑器。也就是说,其最基础的工作就是编辑文本,而不管该文本的内容是什么。在Vim被程序员所使用后,其慢慢的被肩负了与IDE一样的工作,文本自动补全(ie,acp,omnicppcompleter),代码检查(Syntastic)等等工作。 针对文本自动补全这个功能来说,主要有两种实现方式。
Text editors. They aren't something that most users put a lot of thought into. However, not all text editors are alike, and with more time at the terminal, y...
There are performance implications to using this plugin. In order to change the status bar, we override the configurations in your workspace settings.json which results in increased latency and a constant changing diff in your working directory (seeissue#2124). ...