:[range]yank- copy the text specified by[range]into the system clipboard vim剪切到系统剪贴板 ' dd– 剪切一行 从系统剪贴板粘贴到vim '*p ' p Shift Insert :put- Ex command puts contents of system clipboard on a new line <C-r>- From insert mode (or commandline mode) ' p比 Ctrl-v ...
:put +- Ex command puts contents of system clipboard on a new line <C-r>+ - From insert mode (or commandline mode) "+p比 Ctrl-v 命令更好,它可以更快更可靠地处理大块文本的粘贴,也能够避免粘贴大量文本时,发生每行行首的自动缩进累积,因为Ctrl-v是通过系统缓存的stream处理,一行一行地处理粘贴的...
Copy and paste vim terminology In this article we’ve usedV,d,y, andP, amongst others. Vmeans “visual mode”, specifically a thing called linewise visual mode. dmeans “delete” in Vim, which is kind of like cutting. ymeans “yank” in Vim, which is kind of like copying. ...
zO -> 将光标下所有折叠打开 (open all folds at the cursor line) zC -> 将光标下所有折叠关闭 (close all fold at cursor line) zd -> 将光标下的折叠删除,这里不是删除内容,只是删除折叠标记 (delete fold at cursor line) zD -> 将光标下所有折叠删除 (delete all folds at the cursor line) 按...
It does not matter on what character the cursor is in that line. 移动光标到--->标记的行。该行同下一行在字符上不匹配。 Press A and type in the necessary additions. 按下A键,然后键入要添加的内容。 As the text has been appended press to return to Normal mode. 当添加完文本后按下<esc>...
" CTRL-C and CTRL-Insert are Copy vnoremap <C-C> "+y vnoremap <C-Insert> "+y " CTRL-V and SHIFT-Insert are Paste map <C-V> "+gP map <S-Insert> "+gP cmap <C-V> <C-R>+ cmap <S-Insert> <C-R>+ " Pasting blockwise and linewise selections is not possible...
copy & paste vnoremap <Leader>y "+y nnoremap <Leader>y "+y nnoremap <Leader>yy "+yy nnoremap <Leader>Y "*y vnoremap <Leader>Y "*y nnoremap Y y$ vnoremap Y *y$ nnoremap <Leader>p "+p nnoremap <Leader>P "*P vnoremap <Leader>p "+p ...
{line}gg跳转到文件指定行 %,跳转到 匹配括号的开始和结尾({[]}) 03.编辑相关操作 关于编辑操作的语法是这样的 {operator}{count}{motion} operator是具体的操作,比如delete,change, count 是操作执行的次数 motion是操作执行的位置 举个例子,d2w是向下删除两个单词 ...
I just gave this next patch a try by running it under screen, killing the X server, and restarting it. The first several copy/paste attempts fail. Eventually one succeeds, and the rest work properly after that. I'll need to see why that might be. I tried the earlier "two-line" patc...
vim-bracketed-paste vim-devicons vim-diff-enhanced vim-diminactive vim-fixkey vim-gnupg vim-gutentags vim-hackernews vim-move vim-multiple-cursors vim-projectionist vim-qf vim-rsi vim-sleuth vim-startify vim-unimpaired 编程语言 C、C++ a.vim clang_complete color_coded lh-cpp vim-cpp-enhanced...