Place the cursor where you would like to paste your copied stuff. PressPto paste it before your cursor, orpto paste it after the cursor. You can copy and paste between buffers. Copying multiple lines in vim If you want to copy multiple lines to put somewhere else, or you want to do ...
复制与粘贴 (copy & paste) y-> 复制 (yank line) yy-> 复制当前行 (yank current line) “{a-zA-Z}y-> 把信息复制到某个寄存中 (yank the link into register {a-zA-Z}) 例如我用“ayy那么在寄存a,就复制了一行,然后我再用“byw复制一个词在寄存b 粘贴的时候,我可以就可以选择贴a里面的东西...
mkdir -pv copy_and_paste cat <<-EOF > copy_and_paste/collection.js collection = getCollection(); process(somethingInTheWay, target); EOF 此时我们需要复制 collection,然后用复制的内容来替换 somethingInTheWay 其实也没有多难,可能已经有人先尝试把 somethingInTheWay 删除了然后再复制 collection 了,但...
p -> 当前光标下粘贴 (paste below) P -> 当前光标上粘贴 (paste above) “{a-zA-Z}p -> 将某个寄存的内容贴出来 (paste from register) 例如“ap那么就在当前光标下贴出我之前在寄存a中 的内容。“bP就在当前光标上贴出我之前寄存b的内容 “*p -> 从系统的剪贴板中读取信息贴入vim (paste from ...
Start Visual mode with v and move the cursor to just before "first". 以v 开启选择模式,移动光标到“first”前。 Type y to yank (copy) the highlighted text. 按y 以复制高亮的文本。 Move the cursor to the end of the next line: j$ 移动 光标到下一行的:j$ Type p to put (paste) th...
Welcome to Mastering Vim, a book which will teach you to get good with Vim, its plugins, and its ideological successors! 欢迎来到掌握vim,这本书将教你如何掌握vim,它的插件,以及它的思想继承者! This chapter will establish a foundation for working with Vim. 本章将为VIM工作打下基础。 Every ...
用vim写代码时,经常遇到这样的场景,复制多行,然后粘贴。 我现在这样做: 1. 将光标移动到要复制的...
paste 某一寄存器中的值(在命令模式下, 不需要加冒号): ”0p 替换: 例如要在当前行中搜索字符串foo的第一个匹配项,并将其替换为bar,则可以使用以下命令。 :s/foo/bar/ #仅替换光标所在行的第一个匹配项 :s/foo/bar/g #替换光标所在行的所有匹配项 :%s/foo/bar/g,将会在整个文件中进行搜索替换的操作...
Cut and paste yy - yank (copy) a line 2yy - yank (copy) 2 lines yw - yank (copy) the characters of the word from the cursor position to the start of the next word y$ - yank (copy) to end of line p - put (paste) the clipboard after cursor P - put (paste) before cursor...
Learn and refer to any others vimrc, copy and paste lines you like to your ~/.vim/start/self.vim file. It is used as the most common vimrc start from native vim. When you want to use vim in a different work case, frist creat a symbol link name in ~/bin, and create a .vim ...