When I originally had my .vimrc set up, I was using the older version of vundle and I had colorscheme solarized on the line following Bundle 'altercation/vim-colors-solarized'. With the new version of vundle (Vundle.vim), it appears as though colorscheme solarized must come somewhere after...
Vim colorscheme not loading from ~/.vim/colors, I'm trying to load a colorscheme with Vim and the color scheme file is located in ~/.vim/colors as many suggest in various articles. When I try to use :colo sonokai Vim informs me it cannot find it. Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exch...
下载安装完插件,报错,Cannot find color scheme 'solarized',根据网上办法,先在~/.vim/目录下新建目录:mkdir colors,之后执行如下命令 cp ~/.vim/bundle/vim-colors-solarized/colors/solarized.vim ~/.vim/colors/ 发现提示找不到Zenburn,遂将配置文件中的colorscheme Zenburn改为colorscheme zenburn,正常 Plugin'j...
vincent@vincent-desktop:~$ vim .bash_logout Error detected while processing /home/vincent/.vimrc: line 536: E185: Cannot find color scheme 'solarized' ycm_client_support.[so|pyd|dll] and ycm_core.[so|pyd|dll] not detected; you need to co...
在gnome终端、tmux和vim中配置solarized colorscheme 、、 我正在努力使Solarized colorscheme在Ubuntu13.10机器上、在Vim中、在tmux中、在gnome终端中正确工作。我已经开始使用上的脚本配置gnome-terminal,它可以正确地显示颜色。如果我在终端中运行Vim (使用官方Solarized配色方案),而不使用tmux,情况也是如此。当我运行Vim...
Error detected while processing /home/jeff/.vimrc:line 512: E14: Invalid addressline 513: E185: Cannot find color scheme 'Zenburn'1234512345 这个有点搞笑,最后发现竟然是大小写的原因,把代码中的Zenburn修改成zenburn即可。 修改如下: if has('gui_running') set background=dark colorscheme solarizedels...
Color Schemes: solarized monokai dracula neodark srcery palenight onedark code-dark rigel base16 jellybeans edge gruvbox-material everforest sonokai nightfox material tokyonight(Only on neovim 0.5+) github(Only on neovim 0.5+) kanagawa(Only on neovim 0.6+) ...
Neovim 运行在 iTerm2 上,采用 SpaceVim,配色为:base16-solarized-dark 展示了一个通用的前端开发界面,用于开发: JavaScript (jQuery), SASS, and PHP buffers. 图中包含了一个 Neovim 的终端, 一个语法树窗口,一个文件树窗口以及一个 TernJS 定义窗口 ...
To set my default Vim 7.2 (Windows) configurations, I employ_vimrc. One of the settings, namely "set number", will show line numbers on the left-hand side. Although I cannot find the setting for my vim background color to be white, I have come to accept this as the default. ...