{"key":"shift+enter","command":"-python.datascience.runcurrentcelladvance","when":"editorFocus && python.datascience.featureenabled && python.datascience.hascodecells && !editorHasSelection"},{"key":"shift+enter","command":"-python.datascience.execSelectionInteractive","when":"editorFocus && ...
NOTE: Pressing v starts Visual selection. You can move the cursor around to make the selection bigger or smaller. Then you can use an operator to do something with the text. For example, d deletes the text. 注: 按下v 开始选择选择。你可以将光标移动到其它地方以使选择的区变大或者 变小。
:'a,'bs/from/to/g : 对标记a和b之间的行(含a和b所在的行)进行替换。 其中a和b是之前用m命令所做的标记。 4. 替换所有行的内容: :%s/from/to/g :%s/from/to/g : 对所有行的内容进行替换。 5. 替换命令的完整形式: :[range]s/from/to/[flags] 5.1 s/from/to/ 把from指定的字符串替换成t...
coc#float#scroll(0) : "\<C-b>" endif " Use CTRL-S for selections ranges " Requires 'textDocument/selectionRange' support of language server nmap <silent> <C-s> <Plug>(coc-range-select) xmap <silent> <C-s> <Plug>(coc-range-select) " Add `:Format` command to format current ...
lesson4:search and replace text/status/match lesson5: read and write files selecting text to write(with v mode) retriving and merging files lesson6:set options lesson 7:using help commad and .vimrc file use help manual vimtutor textbook: ...
selectioncount (number of selected characters or lines) tabs (shows currently available tabs) windows (shows currently available windows)Custom componentsLua functions as lualine componentlocal function hello() return [[hello world]] end sections = { lualine_a = { hello } }Vim...
Using the Mavim iMprove Power Platform connector you are able to Create; Retrieve; Update and Delete topic. Updating fields and Create; Retrieve; Update and Delete relations.The Mavim topics are stored in a hierarchical manner. Where the "Mavim database" is called the root topic. Below the...
Plugin'Valloric/MatchTagAlways'#Plugin'Valloric/YouCompleteMe'Plugin'docunext/closetag.vim' 将ycm插件那行注释掉,不然还会再去下载ycm,ycm可以最后等vimplus执行完成后再安装~~,接下来需要手动编译ycm。 代码语言:javascript 复制 cd~mv YouCompleteMe.tar.gz~/.vim/bundle/cd~/.vim/bundle/tar-xvf YouCompleteMe...
buffer管理设置 重新加载Vimrc设置 自动拉取更新设置 插入模式光标移动 回车正确缩进 插入模式类似emacs移动...
Use fuzzy.wasm for native fuzzy match. Add binarySearch and isFalsyOrEmpty functions for array. suggest.localityBonus works like VSCode, using selection ranges. Add and export workspace.computeWordRanges. Rework keywords parse for better performance (parse changed lines only and use yield to reduce...