Christian TopalovCentre de Sociologie Urbaine, Paris;Blackwell Publishing LtdInternational Journal of Urban & Regional ResearchTopalov, Christian. 1977. "Surprofits et rentes foncieres dans la ville capitaliste." International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 1 (1-4): 425-446....
Province of Cagliari Igea Marina 福洛尼卡 博洛尼亚省 奥里斯塔诺 阿兰奇湾城 伊特里 加拉托内 马萨马里蒂马 卡斯特罗 库斯托纳奇 皮佐 瓦斯托 梅纳焦 雷杰洛 皮内托 韦尔纳扎 多纳卢卡他 Lido di Noto 特拉佩托 塞尔瓦迪加尔代纳山谷 蒂沃利 瓦伦纳 卡萨拉诺 彼得拉-利古雷 皮蒂利亚诺 福贾 因佩里亚省 蒙特斯佩...
Mary Ellen O'Toole: I would say this is not a highly educated person. ... because of the quality of the sentences and how they were put together. Significant, says O'Toole, considering that Paul Freshour had a job as a manager at Anheuser Busch and a master's degree. She says ther...