0.1 miles from L'Hôtel de Ville #5 of 15 hotels in Fribourg "We stayed in this hotel for one night to attend a camp on the next day. Hotel is pretty close to the lake. The hotel is pretty close to the road and there is a motorcycle shop nearby. the rooms are in a new bu...
1776Montagny-la-VilleCanton de FribourgBroye DistrictMontagny (FR)46.82076.9989查看地图 按行政区域查找瑞士邮编 Canton de Berne Canton de Fribourg Canton de Vaud Canton du Valais Genève Jura Kanton Aargau Kanton Appenzell Ausserrhoden Kanton Appenzell Innerrhoden ...
L'Hotel de Ville天气预报 2024年11月15日 Friday 农历十月十五06:41天气实况查看景点旅游详情 1°C-1℃/8℃ 晴东北风 微风 风向情况:东北风 风力等级:微风 总降水量:0.0mm 相对湿度:82% 日出时间:7:33 日落时间:16:5836小时天气预报07:13发布 今天夜间-1℃大部分晴朗东北风 微风 明天白天5℃晴西北...