VILLAINS in literatureEXECUTIONS & executioners in literatureSELF-interestThe article examines possible motives behind the alleged change of heart shown by Edmund at the end of King Lear when, defeated by his brother Edgar, he decides to revoke his former order to execute Lear...
8. STEPHEN: In his trinity of black Wills, the villain shakebags, Iago, Richard Crookback, Edmund in King Lear, two bear the wicked uncles'names. 382斯蒂芬:他笔下的黑心肠的三位一体——那帮恶棍扒手:伊阿古、罗锅儿理查和《李尔王》中的爱德蒙,其中两个的名字都跟他们那坏蛋叔叔一样。
” in which he effortlessly commands many of Shakespeare’s great characters, evoking period, setting and character with only his gift and some lighting. On the stage McKellen has also played Hamlet, King John, Lear, Romeo, Macbeth, Coriolanus and Othello. Here he brings ...
并出现全腹持续性疼痛。体检示:体温39.2℃,脉搏124次/分钟,血压105/65mmHg;右下腹压痛,肌紧张,有反跳痛,肠鸣音消失;WBC 12.5×l09/L,中性粒细胞比例0.82;腹部X线平片可见盲肠扩张和气液平面。行急诊手术治疗,术后第3天患者体温为38.9℃,切口红肿、压痛。 入院时应考虑 ...
The Transformation in Representation of Shakespeare's King Lear in Toni Morrison's Sula King Lear gives his all to Goneril and Regan, but is betrayed and goes mad, leaving him in a state of nothing. However, Lear regains his sanity through the... Noboru FUKUSHIMA - Cultures and Communicati...
also an accomplished stage actor. Between 1968 and 1972, the actor had parts in Royal Shakespeare Company productions including As You Like It, The Balcony, Doctor Faustus, Hamlet, King Lear, The Man of Mode, Much Ado About Nothing, The Tempest or The Enchanted Island, and Troilus and ...