The only issue with it being Menzies is the Kryptis. Why would Menzies abandon the Shadow Army when they're obviously still a viable threat (as seen in Dragonfall) to take up new allies/minions? Also, in relation to it being a Charr, the only Charr who's visited the Mists and returned...
Fortunately, recurring villains are easy to create. At least, from a story standpoint. We’ll be talking about the HARD part of creating recurring villains in the next part in this series. For right now, pretend they are easy. Even if you didn’t plan on making a villain into a recurri...
” or “worthless.”Villain, on the other hand, originally had a neutral connotation: Although it also comes from Latin, its origin is the termvilla, meaning “country house” or “farm” and still in use for the former meaning in English (from Italian)....
Use minions to distance your big bad from any failures. While letting your hero defeat minions instead of the big bad certainly helps, it may not be enough. If your villain chooses which minions to send on a mission and gives them directions, they are also responsible for the outcome. When...
Make sure your minions offer some locals generous bribes to support the tourist industry so no one complains to the government about it too much. It's not unusual for people to visit obscure tourist locations, and generous bribes will keep the locals from complaining...
Although there is no redeeming quality in Harry Powell, no true inner struggle he woos his blind minions with the representation. Children singing in a playground looking at the chains on swings. “Hing hang hung. See what the hangman done. Hing hang hing hang hing hang hung. See what th...
【题目】Minions少年格兽想要成为一个超级大坏蛋When Gru is 12 years old, he wants to be(super villain),他试a super villain. He is a fan of the super villainThe Rise of Gru图挑战世界上最坏的group, the Vicious 6. He plans to become邪恶六人组小黄人evll enough to join the group with ...
Step 3: Gaining Minions Since the villain is the one making the call, there’s no refusal. There may be reluctance, but the villain doesn’t refuse their ambition, nor do they temper it. It’s a step they don’t have to take when compared to the hero. It’s a shortcut of sorts...
Picture this. Lord Bacaro is an Imperial whose country has been torn apart by a daedric invasion. Molag Bal's minions wreck havoc in the Imperial City while the souls of countless mortals are stolen. You would expect said mortals to set aside their differences and band together to deal w...