Java Edition 1.21 Village Seed #3 This Minecraft seed spawns you in a Desert biome. If you travel West across the Wooded Badlands, you can find a Desert village with an Iron Golem, camels and some cats wandering around. If you travel to the East to the other side of the River, you...
In Minecraft, a village is a structure that spawns naturally in the game. It is made up of a small group of buildings that are inhabited by villagers. You will find villages in the different biomes and each village will be made of different materials depending on the biome....
However, I noticed that raiders sometimes would not spawn even if there are close enough places around the village. Steps to reporduce: Create a default type world with seed: 23925373020405760 Teleport to 204 65 110 Place a composter at 202 62 111 and summon a villager beside it ...
Villages spawn randomly throughout the world, and as far as we can tell, at least one will always spawn in each world. It’s possible that more than one village can spawn, as well. While there isn’t a precise, full-proof method to find a village (other than using console commands, ...
Minecraft Island Seed Seed: OHGO Seed Code: 2424961 Platform: Minecraft PC/Mac (Java) Tested On: Minecraft 1.13 Description Island seeds are great. What’s even better is when it’s an island village. In this PC/Mac seed you spawn on a very small island that is dotted with dark oak ...
Use one of these Minecraft seeds to create a world where you spawn near a village. Here are some Village seeds for Minecraft Bedrock Edition (PE, Win10, Xbox One, PS4, Nintendo Switch):