I suggest that understanding Frankl as only claiming that all people have a potential for meaningful lives is also unhelpful. Finally, I discuss the implications of my criticism for Frankl's theory at large. I argue that much in this very helpful theory can be retained, but identify those ...
The Viktor Franklquotesbelow highlight his interpretation of life’s many ups and downs. Viktor Frankl quotes about life 1. “Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”– Viktor Frank...
on the rise, however, and in 1942 Frankl and his family were sent to theTheresienstadtconcentration camp, where his father perished. In 1944 the surviving Frankls were taken toAuschwitz, where his mother was exterminated; his wife died later in theBergen-Belsenconcentration camp. As Frankl ...
Viktor Frankl’s recognition of freedom of will and the human spirit reflects his philosophical position that human beings, unlike animals or machines, have the capacity to rise above the macro social forces of industrialization and freely pursue their own interests and dreams in order to endow the...
15. “Man does not simply exist but always decides what his existence will be, what he will become the next moment. By the same token, every human being has the freedom to change at any instant.”― Viktor E. Frankl Related25 The Four Agreements Quotes on Staying True and Living a Ful...
The Viktor E. Frankl Institute of America provides modern audiences with resources and information about Viktor Frankl and Logotherapy, his meaning-centered approach to therapy and life.
VIKTOR FRANKL ON FREEDOM AND RESPONSIBILITY IN THE DEATH CAMPS: A CRITIQUEdoi:10.1111/j.1467-9833.1982.tb00550.xJamesWoelfelWileyJournal of Social Philosophy
doi:10.1515/humaff-2019-0032Iddo Landau