I start applying the subject of death and afterlife individually on each civilization and for this purpose the two first chapters consist of two parts; the first part deals with beliefs about death and afterlife and the second part is concerned about the rites of death. Hence, initially, I ...
The Vikings and their funeral and burial rituals were wholly affected by their pagan religion and beliefs. For a Viking their death would lead them into an afterlife and into one of the Vikings nine realms. It was this belief that led the Viking to take so much time on their funerals an...
The materiality of death: bodies, burials, beliefs the Viking's soul / ke Johansson -- A road to the other side / Camilla Grn -- Stones and bones: the myth of Ymer and mortuary practices with an example from the migration period in Uppland, Central Sweden / Christina Lindgren... F Fah...
The belief that sacred groves enclosed in holy ropes are sacred places in which no weapon may be drawn is ancient, for similar beliefs are attested to by Tacitus inGermania39-40: Vetustissimos se nobilissimosque Sueborum Semnones memorant; fides antiquitatis religione firmatur. Stato tempore ...
Although they all had the same gods and beliefs, there were no set practices that had to be followed and people worshiped only the gods that were relevant to their lives. Vikings also worshiped their dead ancestors, communicated with spirits, practiced divination and sorcery, and had a wide ...
in foreign lands. A strong Norse pagan belief was that each person’s fate was set by the Norns, and that death in battle is not only honorable, but the warrior will be taken to Valhalla by Odin, the god-father. With these beliefs, why not take chance into your hands and go raiding...
Craftsmanship reflected their allegiance to their gods, beliefs and heritage. These various Viking symbols weren’t just found on jewelry – they were carved onto stones, their ships, their weapons and more. We encourage you to learn more through our book onViking History. ...
Oh well, they are currently one of the most popular kinds of ink art among people in different countries. Not only it is an alluring piece of trendy art, but it also has a fascinating story with captivating mythology, culture, and beliefs attached to it. ...
https://youtu.be/TdXxphfFPks Sturla interviewed Pär Hulkoff in October 2020 and talks about musical groups that are making connections to Viking/Pagan/Nordic roots. Here are examples of the music performed by the groups mentioned in Sturla’s interview with Hulkoff. ...