Our analysis reveals that: (a) when convolution with the broad-range (500鈥 900 nm) relative spectral response (RSR) function of the VIIRS Day-Night Band (DNB) is omitted, AOD retrieval from the DNB have uncertainties up to a factor of two in conditions with low or moderate AOD (<0.5...
The calibration source spectral radiance from the SD (LSD) is proportional to the solar spectral irradiance (ESUN), SD SAS transmission function (τSAS), SD BRDF, and weighted by the detector's relative spectral response (RSR), (4)where θSD is the SD solar zenith angle and d the ...
Thus, a new tool for calculating the lunar spectral irradiance (convolved to the DNB sensor response function) over the course of the NPOESS mission and beyond has been developed. This tool will enable conversion of moonlight radiance into units of reflectance, necessary for relating the DNB ...
[LineSpread Function/InstantaneousFieldofView,Band-to-Band Registration] –ConcernspresentinbothambientandTVtestresults •Root-causeandpath-forwardplansarecomponent ofFU1integrationandtestingagreements 31October2006 SBRS ToddHurt,leader EarlyAnalysis TestReports AnomalyReporting FormalTestReports -LeadstoFU1...
Sensor (detector) spatial impulse responses in the scan direction are parameterized in terms of ground dynamic field of view (GDFOV), horizontal spatial resolution (HSR), modulation transfer function (MTF), ensquared energy (EE) and integrated out-of-pixel (IOOP) spatial response. Results are ...
The CrIS instrument spatial response function is also applied during the integration processing to obtain the physical consistency between the observations from the two different satellite sensors. A brief review of the integration algorithms, the LUT algorithms and the problems existing for operational ...
Due to degradation in the DNB modulated Relative Spectral Response (RSR), the S-NPP VIIRS observed TOA DNB reflectance indicates a decrease of 1.89% and the SCIAMACHY spectra derived TOA DNB reflectance has a decrease of 1.63% for the past 8.5 years. The N20 VIIRS TOA DNB reflectance ...
The change in VIIRS throughput iscalculated by multiplying the reflectance of the four RTA mirrors and agrees with the on-orbit measured responsechanges as a function of UV exposure time. Model predictions of the radiometric sensitivity for the affected VIIRSbands show positive margin at end of ...
As the intensity of the light reaching the SDSM in both Solar Diffuser view and sun view is a function of the sun's angle of incidence (AOI), the SDSM response to sun AOI has to be characterized. This paper presents details of the test setup including an extended collimated source ...
By combining the data from the SDSM solar and SD views, a scale factor (H factor) representing the degradation of the SD bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) is derived and used to maintain the RSB calibration. In early February of 2014 the H factor trend changed distinctly ...