In the light of the present and earlier observations of protonic transport behavior, ideas were discussed concerning; (a) possible mechanisms of proton transport and (b) the role played by stoichiometry and the type of spinel-block stabilizing element in these β″ materials....
Which element has the atomic number 83? Give an example of a compound containing this element. What is the general formula for an ionic compound formed by elements in the following groups? Explain your reasoning and provide an example for each (name and formula...
The thickness distribution of the laser deposited layers is demonstrated to be related to the initial dimensions of the plasma but independent of both the laser fluence and the atomic mass of the target element. From these calculations, we also deduced an angular distribution of the deposits as ...
We used the Finite Element Method [COMSOL Multiphysics (Stockholm, Sweden), Wave Optics Module] to calculate the local electromagnetic fields (at 532-nm wavelength) between the adjacent spherical silver nanoparticles (two spheres of 35-nm diameter and 0.6-nm interparticle gap). The refractive index...
Technetium is an s-process element with no stable isotope, whereas ruthenium and rhodium are classified as the refractory components of cosmological objects [1]. The absorption of spectral lines of Tc was first identified in the spectra of several S and M stars by Merrill [2]. The presence ...
In the same year and by the same approach, Koc produced fine structure intervals and M1/E2 transition rates within the ground term of B-like ions with an atomic number Z from 10 to 30, and so on [39–41]. This latter topic ties in with the demand for accurate ab initio calculations...
(i) Write the name of the element which is diagonally related to the element beryllium. (ii) Three element A, B and C have atomic numbers 11, 14 and 17 respectively. State the blocks in periodic table in which elements A and C belong to. Write the formulas of the compound formed be...