To rotate the viewport, we will be using the commands “VPROTATEASSOC” & “ROTATE”. The command “VPROTATEASSOC” allows us to control how the model in the viewport behaves when we rotate the viewport. We need to set this first so that when we rotate the viewport, the view inside wi...
问题: 如何在AutoCAD LT中将视口内容旋转为MVSETUP不起作用。这包括布局视口以及“模型”选项卡上的视口。 解决方案: 在更高版本的所有AutoCAD产品(包括AutoCAD LT)中,ROTATE命令可用于旋转图纸空间视口及其内容,然后逐个手动修改边缘点。 或者,可以将用户坐标系(UCS
I know this must seem elementary to AutoCAD users more experienced than I, but how do you rotate a view?? I have a subject location in my model space facing north, but I want it to rotate ninety degrees to face east in my paper space. I have received drawings from other users ...
问题: 在 AutoCAD 产品中旋转视口时,基础 SID 或 ECW 图像不再与草稿内容对齐。 非旋转视口正常显示。 注意。 在某些情况下,内容仅在放大或缩小时移动。 解决方案: 要将问题的影响降至最低,请执行以下操作: 在 AutoCAD 产品中,使用 MAPCONNECT 命令作为 FDO 连接连接
Mike Roberts sends us a LISP routine that will rotate a north arrow block to match the rotation of a viewport in AutoCAD. “After creating countless sheets with north arrows and viewports at random rotations, this tip was born out of necessity. This routine, as simple as it is, is one ...
Viewport Rotate - Linetype render problem When I change the orientation of the modelspace through a viewport using the UCS then plan commands my linetypes which are set to widths of 100mm to 500mm etc turn to wireframe with only the outside edges of the filled width showing up. I have...
The difference abouve between the values 17.34 and Vinodkl 17.82 in the thread comes from the different pagesetups, 594x841 rotated vs. 841x594. It is to complicated (for me) to explain it in detail for everyone here, but i am sure that wasn't the background of OT's question. Seba...
... i'm inside the viewport and rotate a block, when i press enter - it loads and i'm brought back to my paper space layout. ... normally there wouldn't be an enter involved in rotating a block [except for completing the selection of it before the rotating part], so i'm not...
在更高版本的所有AutoCAD产品(包括AutoCAD LT)中,ROTATE命令可用于旋转图纸空间视口及其内容,然后逐个手动修改边缘点。或者,可以将用户坐标系(UCS)更改为所需角度,然后使用PLAN命令旋转视口的内容。 以下示例将视口内容旋转45度: 激活视口。 在命令行中,输入命令UCS。 输入Z以绕Z轴旋转。 输入角度45。 输...
在更高版本的所有AutoCAD产品(包括AutoCAD LT)中,ROTATE命令可用于旋转图纸空间视口及其内容,然后逐个手动修改边缘点。或者,可以将用户坐标系(UCS)更改为所需角度,然后使用PLAN命令旋转视口的内容。 以下示例将视口内容旋转45度: 激活视口。 在命令行中,输入命令UCS。 输入Z以绕Z轴旋转。 输入角度45。...