If you want to use transparency overrides on inactive meshes, make sure that their shading style is NOT set to Wireframe under 3D Viewport Properties > Inactive Meshes > Shading > Shading Style. Transparency overrides are available in the Advanced viewport, as of Modo 14.1v1. You can edit ...
console.warn('Iframe not found') return } const [width, height] = sizes[viewport.value] iframe.style.width = width iframe.style.height = height await new Promise(r => requestAnimationFrame(r)) recalculateDetailPanels() } </script> @@ -62,31 +85,9 @@ function changeViewport(name: st...
Is the error not showing in the Script Editor at all? It should definitely happen when switching between wireframe and shaded. One possibility, maybe the method is being sourced for you? Does the method "DCF_updateViewportList" exist? Could you try whatIs DCF_updateViewportList In a MEL ...
<img class="lazy" alt="A lazy image" data-src="lazy.jpg" /> <iframe class="lazy" data-src="lazyFrame.html"></iframe> <video class="lazy" controls data-src="lazy.mp4" data-poster="lazy.jpg">...</video> <object class="lazy" type="image/svg+xml" data-src="lazy.svg"></obj...
HDK_Sample::DM_ObjectPathHook:Draws a path with the up vectors at each frame for the current object, if animated. Demonstrates how to query objects directly and draw more complex guides in the 3D viewport. (DM_ObjectPathHook.C) HDK_Sample::DM_OverdrawHook:A sample showing how to register...
Second set the view port to 1:1 scale not to 1:200. another method that you can move the frame from the model space to paper space but u need to change the dimensions of the frame to be exactly with the A1 dimensions. and the view port will be 1:200. Reply Report 0 Anonymous...
performance has improved in both of these modes for most architectures, with the exception that NVIDIA’s Ampere generation hasn’t budged much, even though its Ada Lovelace generation has. Also, while Intel saw slight gains in the solid mode test, its wireframe performance continues to suffer ...
With Splash Fox, the CPU is relied-upon much more in between each frame render, with its overall design helping AMD shine a lot better than it has in previous rendering performance graphs. Before moving on, let’s not miss the fact that Blender 3.2 improved Eevee performance a fair bit ...
Theoriginscheckbox will hide or display origin points for objects that are selected while theorigins(all)will display all origins that are not selected as well while checked. Geometry Here we have three more checkbox toggles to explore. The first one iswireframe. In wireframe viewport mode we ...