Our results showcase that skeleton representations learned from ViA are generic enough to improve upon state-of-the-art action classification accuracy, not only on 3D laboratory datasets such as NTU-RGB+D 60 and NTU-RGB+D 120, but also on real-world datasets where only 2D data are ...
View-invariant representations of familiar objects by neurons in the inferior temporal visual cortex. A view-invariant representation of objects in the brain would have many computational advantages. Here we describe a population of single neurons in the te... MC Booth,ET Rolls - 《Cerebral Cortex...
We demonstrate that viewpoint-invariant representations can be obtained from images for a useful class of 3D smooth object. The class of surfaces are those generated as the envelope of a sphere of varying radius swept along an axis. This class includes canal surfaces and surfaces of revolution....
These data show that dissociable subsystems in ventral visual cortex maintain distinct view-dependent and view-invariant object representations... P Vuilleumier,RN Henson,J Driver,... - 《Nature Neuroscience》 被引量: 886发表: 2002年 fMRI-Adaptation Reveals Dissociable Neural Representations of Identit...
Learning view invariant sparse representations for crossview action recognition. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, Sydney, Australia, 1–8 December 2013; pp. 3176–3183. 30. Kan, M.; Shan, S.; Zhang, H.; Lao, S.; Chen, X. Multi-view discriminant ...
Because the classifier performs both classification and domain discrimination, the training can be accurately and efficiently performed by forcing the CNNs to generate classifiable representations into one of a set of defined classes for the target domain. Thus, the joint parameterization of classifier...
Before beginning, we need to use Instant-NGP to construct NeRF representations for the 1000 objects in IM3D, which will take approximately 24 hours. However, if you only want to conduct attacks or run simple demos, you can opt to train NeRF for a subset of the objects. Due to limited ...
View-Invariant Gait Recognition with Attentive Recurrent Learning of Partial Representations Gait recognition refers to the identification of individuals based on features acquired from their body movement during walking. Despite the recent advances in gait recognition with deep learning, variations in data ...
We then discriminatively train the dictionary by enforcing explicit constraints on the associated sparse representations of the feature vectors. In the testing phase, we re-identify a probe image by simply determining the gallery image that has the closest sparse representation to that of the probe ...
For a space, we investigate its CJL (cohomology jump loci), sitting inside varieties of representations of the fundamental group. To do this, for a CDG (co... A Dimca,? Papadima - 《Communications in Contemporary Mathematics》 被引量: 56发表: 2014年 Disturbance decoupling and invariant subsp...