图形界面比lsusb命令方便些,也简洁,像我的电脑只列出键盘和鼠标。方便查看usb设备所用的芯片之类的,安装驱动方便一些。usbview 是一个用于显示 USB 设备和接口信息的 GUI 工具,它提供了一个树形结构的界面,可以方便地查看和比较不同设备的属性。在系统菜单中找到 usbvi
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USBView is a GTK program that displays the topography of the devices that are plugged into the USB bus on a Linux machine. It also displays information on each of the devices. This can be useful to determine if a device is working properly or not. Requirements USBView uses GTK+ 3.x ...
USB Tree View for Linux is a popular tool used by many Linux users to easily view and manage their USB devices connected to their computers. This tool provides a graphical representation of the USB devices connected to the system, allowing users to quickly identify which devices are connected a...
(See the full license text in the LICENSES directory) -- USBView is a small GTK application to show what the device tree of the USB bus looks like. It shows a graphical representation of the devices that are currently plugged in, showing the topology of the USB bus. It also displays ...
Windows下的USB设备信息查看工具UsbView http://download.csdn.net/detail/pzm/4116971 。 USB线对连两台电脑传数据
Windows下的USB设备信息查看工具UsbView http://download.csdn.net/detail/pzm/4116971 。 USB线对连两台电脑传数据
成功卸载 USB 存储设备后,可以安全地拔出。大多数 Linux 发行版会在您选择卸载时,确保所有数据已写入...
USB device 0480:a007, External USB 3.0 # <--- (1) The devices behind the external hub have port addresses 1.2.x This form shows also the currently used USB protocol (btw: even the device (6) calls itself "USB 2.0 10/100M Ethernet Adaptor" it works only as USB 1.1 device) * 12 ...
USBDeview is a small utility that lists all USB devices that currently connected to your computer, as well as all USB devices that you previously used. For each USB device, exteneded information is displayed: Device name/description, device type, serial number (for mass storage devices), the ...