GET{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/{vmName}/instanceView?api-version=2024-07-01 URI Parameters Expand table NameInRequiredTypeDescription resourceGroupName path True string The name of the res...
Next hop type: Can be Virtual Network Connection, VPN_S2S_Gateway, ExpressRouteGateway, Remote Hub, or Azure Firewall. Next hop: This is the link to the resource ID of the next hop, or simply shows On-link to imply the current hub. ...
Next hop type: Can be Virtual Network Connection, VPN_S2S_Gateway, ExpressRouteGateway, Remote Hub, or Azure Firewall. Next hop: This is the link to the resource ID of the next hop, or simply shows On-link to imply the current hub. ...
ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroup_workspace -Name $Workspace $Headers = @{ "Authorization" = "Bearer $($AccessToken)" "x-ms-client-tenant-id" = $Tenant } $Connections = Invoke-RestMethod -Method "GET" -Uri "$($LAWorkspace.ResourceId)/dataSources/?%24filter=...
(Azure AD) activity logs—encompassing audit, sign-in, and provisioning logs—offer organizations essential visibility into the activities taking place within their Azure AD tenant. By monitoring these logs, organizations can gain insights into user and application activities, including user si...
During a Teams meeting, you can start live transcription to capture everything being said. The transcription appears in real time and includes each speaker's name and time stamp. DesktopMobile In this article Start live transcription Downloa... View your recent sign-in activity Sign in to yourMy Accountpage with your work or school account. SelectMy sign-insor select theReview recen...
If you’re an Office 365 Global admin or an Azure Active Directory tenant admin, you can now download a list of users in your organization who not only are licensed to use PowerApps, Microsoft Flow, or both but also have accessed either of those products. The list contains each user’s ...