一个需求,winform根据料号,查询sap 的bom,然后用控件调用sap内置bom函数,根据料号查询bom用TreeView把bom展示出来树形控件TreeView展示出来,TreeView的好处是父级子级直观明了。 sap关于bom 的tcode 主要是cs11 ,cs12,cs13。cs12可以显示多级bom,查询出来是这样的: 这种表现方式,不是很直观。 sap内置的有一个bom ...
系统的视图变量命名一般以“VV_”开头,与“V_”开头的视图加以区别。维护视图变量用T-CODE:SE54创建,生成后可用SM30维护,也可用SE93创建独立的事物码。与维护视图一样,视图变量的创建与修改,是corss-client级操作,需要生成工作台级传输请求,并需要指定一个包(Package)。 相关信息参见《以维护视图或视图簇的方式进...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hello , @Vishnu Reddy : <i>Goto SE11,Enter View Name and Press on Display..Then in Menu System--->Status. Here u can find out Transaction code.</i> <b>I got the TCOde as SE11_OLD .</b> @ Vijayendra Rao <i> One of the option is Goto...
We will add 2 annotations in CDS view to generate prompts while executing of report based on CDS view. @Consumption.filter.mandatory: false @Consumption.filter.selectionType: #SINGLE Executing CDS View via RSRT Tcode – Here, in above image we can see input parameter is optional here. Sample...
In SAP help, it is documented that “If a CDS entity is specified in several access rules of a CDS role, the resulting access conditions are joined using a logical OR”. And I create a simple authorization object ZJER_TYPE2 in tcode SU21 which contains field PR_TYPE for order type and...
2.4.2设置MATERIAL_DETAIL视图:Inbound Plugs/Outbound Plugs 2.5窗口WINDOWS嵌套视图 在一个窗口中实现视图之间的跳转。 2.6代码部分 2.6.1视图MAIN方法METHODS:ON_LINK 视图MAIN中ALV行项目物料MATNR下划线链接触发事件ON_LINK 代码部分: method on_link ."定义data: ...
Forprerequisitesto use APF, you can find it inSAP help. In my case, I have the following PFCG role assigned: And this role has the following role menu assigned: Step1. Create a simple header and item CDS view, and a consumption view to expose as OData service. Below source code is ...
Redirect is also automatically done when you browse the content of ZCOMM_PRODUCT from tcode SE16: How does redirect work under the hood If you perform a ST05 trace, you can observe the redirect is automatically done by ABAP runtime, no action from application side is needed....
tcodes in slcm bw point of view Former Member 2008 Aug 19 7:25 AM 0 Kudos 144 SAP Managed Tags: Education and Research can anybody ps tell me tcodes used in sap is-her bw point of view,. Reply All forum topics Previous Topic Next Topic 1 REPLY Former Member ...
SAP SD - Discussion Previous Next A Material Master is created in SAP SD system by the material department. Once it is created, the person who manages sales related material has to extend sales views. UseT-Code: MM01to create material master for different views. To check the changes, useT...