通过使用user_dependencies进行查看,如下: --referenced_name表示表名称SELECT*FROMuser_dependenciesWHEREreferenced_name='T_AE_IR_PTMES_QUALITY'--Table_name
视图(View)可以看作定义在SQL Server上的虚拟表.视图正如其名字的含义一样,是另一种查看数据的入口.常规视图本身并不存储实际的数据,而仅仅存储一个Select语句和所涉及表的metadata。 视图简单理解如下: 通过视图,客户端不再需要知道底层table的表结构及其之间的关系。视图提供了一个统一访问数据的接口。 二、为什么...
The rowid of a row entry in a master table. PURGE_DIRECT_LOAD_LOG Procedure This procedure removes entries from the direct loader log after they are no longer needed for any known materialized view. This procedure usually is used in environments using Oracle's data warehousing technology. ...
Joins, with some exceptions, as documented inOracle Database Administrator's Guide In addition, if an inherently updatable view contains pseudocolumns or expressions, then you cannot update base table rows with anUPDATEstatement that refers to any of these pseudocolumns or expressions. ...
Compiling the PL/SQL block we require internal structures of the table, which is not yet generated in the read only database. This has been identified in: Bug 2798026ORA-6550 / PLS-905 WHEN RUNNING PL/SQL OVER DBLINK TO READ ONLY STANDBY DATABASE ...
Right-click each table to perform the following actions: Show Data Executes the SELECT * FROM 'schema-name' 'table-name' query and publishes the results in DB Notebook. If the language mode is not SQL when you select this action, the extension calls the \sql command first. Add Table...
Unable to JOIN view and a table in MySQL Sonia Agrawal February 24, 2010 09:59PM Sorry, you can't reply to this topic. It has been closed. Content reproduced on this site is the property of the respective copyright holders. It is not reviewed in advance by Oracle and does not necessar...
The name of the catalog to which the table or view used in the view definition belongs. This value is alwaysdef. TABLE_SCHEMA The name of the schema (database) to which the table or view used in the view definition belongs. TABLE_NAME ...
CREATE/ALTER/DROP VIEW CREATE [OR REPLACE] [FORCE|NOFORCE] VIEW [schema.] viewname [( alias[, alias ...])] AS viewquery [WITH CHECK OPTION [CONSTRAINT constraint]] Creates a view. ALTER VIEW [ … - Selection from Oracle SQL: the Essential Reference [Boo
ORA-00942 table or view does not exist When upgrading an existing database: Missing permissions: DBMS_REPUTIL Run the manual script first -->manual_script_before_upgrade.sql When running the database wizard to create a P6 PPM or P6 EPPM database in r8.3.2 or later, the following error ...