Use the command to invoke the "Git: View Staged Changes" command Confirm that the file in the "Staged Changes" resource group is opened in the multi-file diff editor Use the command to invoke the "Git: View Changes" command Confirm that the file in the "Changes" resource group is opened...
git add deploy/modules/cosmos-db.bicep You can also stage all of the changes in your repo by running this command from the root folder of your repository: Bash git add . Commit the staged changes Acommitrepresents a set of changes to one or more files in your repository. When you're...
Git Project Git Repository Goal Goal Metric Governance Configuration Help Page Image Attribute Configuration Import Data Import Entity Mapping Import Job Import Log Import Source File Index Attribute Insights Store Data Source Insights Store Virtual Entity Integrated search provider Interaction for Email Inval...
.gitignore .lintstagedrc .prettierignore .prettierrc LICENSE lerna.json package.json renovate.json tsconfig.json Repository files navigation README Licensereact-json-viewA React component for displaying and editing javascript arrays and JSON objects. Preview of v1 documentation...
Git-Repository (GitRepository) Goal Zielmetrik (Metrik) Governance-Konfiguration (GovernanceConfiguration) Hilfeseite (msdyn_helppage) Bildattributkonfiguration (AttributeImageConfig) Daten importieren (ImportData) Importentitätszuordnung (ImportEntityMapping) Importauftrag (ImportJob) Importprotokoll (Import...
Git Repository (GitRepository) Goal Goal Metric (Metric) Governance Configuration (GovernanceConfiguration) Help Page (msdyn_helppage) Image Attribute Configuration (AttributeImageConfig) Import Data (ImportData) Import Entity Mapping (ImportEntityMapping) Import Job (ImportJob) Import Log (ImportLog) Imp...
Click on the commit to see which files were changed. Within the commit, click on a file name to see the changes. Close the changed file tab so you end up back in theGit Graphtab. Once you know which commit (that has not been pushed) you want to remove, in theGit Graphtab,Ctrl–...
$ yarn add lint-staged yorkie-D 修改配置: 代码语言:javascript 复制 // package.json{"gitHooks":{"pre-commit":"lint-staged"},"lint-staged":{"**/*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}":["eslint --fix"],"**/*.{md,json}":["prettier --write"]}} ...
Setup Files This is the folder structure we set up for you: /example index.html index.tsx # test your component here in a demo app package.json tsconfig.json /src index.tsx # EDIT THIS /test blah.test.tsx # EDIT THIS .gitignore package.json # EDIT THIS tsconfig.json ...
git pull时,提示Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge 问题描述: 本地修改了代码后,执行“git pull”命令时,无法更新代码,并报错提示:“Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge” 问题原因: 是因为本地修改的代码与git服务器的代码冲突导致...