From the documentation: The content mode specifies how the cached bitmap of the view’s layer is adjusted when the view’s bounds change. For an image view, this is talking about the image. For a view that drawsits content, this is talking about the drawn content. It doesaffect the lay...
(haven't seen this with other fabs) if you have more than 50 holes per square inch - their automated system doesn't let you place the order - you have to have someone manually add a $10 surcharge per board to continue. === === []...
Al Ries, in hisbook on positioning, describes the problem of information overload from the perspective of someone living in the early 1980’s,before we invited the Internet and ubiquitous wireless computing into every corner of our lives. The level of information overload Ries was describing circ...
Found it’s best to be short and precise, I’ll do my best. Hopefully y’all can help me fix this or find a someone i can pay to hack back lol -Malware first attacked my MacBook Air ‘15, and compromised every account I’ve ever made on internet, then got onto iPhone, iPad ...
A speaker with the same epistemic status can adopt different stances: a knowing one, when talking to someone less familiar with a topic of their expertise, and an unknowing one when talking to someone more experienced. The notions of stance and status are related to another term commonly used...
Unity version: 2018.2.1f1 React native version: 0.57.8 When running straight out of XCode, it works fine. However, creating a release IPA file results in an immediate crash on launch. We use fastlane to generate an IPA for beta testing, ...
While someone as small as Ysera would have normally be killed soon after hatching, Alexstrasza took care of her little sister. On a day when dozens of proto-dragons gathered to hunt caribou, Ysera approached a blue-white proto-dragon named [[Malygos]] to ask him about her brother's ...
He also said “We will have a chain on the seats to prevent people from coming and just for the safety. I don’t want someone to end up doing something and driving this truck off the stage.” Later at the same event, heinsisted3 times that the truck was real, stating “know it’...
been so long I can't remember what I need to do to edit the stuff. Extracted the spk package with Package Explorer and when I try to open the xml files in notepad++ I get gibberish, or in X3 Editor 2 I get nothing at all. I'll have to wait and see if someone more up to dat...
醉 學院 hotties decides 到有 an intense 性別 狂歡 右邊 後該黨 附加的11 年前 觀點5 長度05:01 0 ☆☆☆ 學院,他媽的,現實,groupsex,bigtits,附帶,敲打,入木三分,迪克,狂歡,黨,組,組狂歡,硬核,3一些,業餘,鐵桿 有關 電影 05:03