in the fall of 1984, Woods flew to Hong Kong and sent back a stack of yearbooks containing the results of thousands of races. Benter hired two women to key the results into a database by hand so he could spend more time studying regressions and...
Jones paged slowly through the yearbooks. They joked about the old-fashioned clothes and hair in the oldest books, and they talked about some of the people they knew. All of a sudden, Crystal knew the next feature she wanted to write. These books were the school's story just waiting to...
20、I'm developing an onlineyearbookfor Harvard kids now, but I'm thinking of expanding it.(我正在为哈佛的孩子们开发一个在线年鉴,但是我想把这个项目扩张。) 21、To most graduates the senioryearbookis a treasured souvenir of high school days.(大多数的毕业生其资深的年鉴是一个珍贵的高校日常生...
Other materials researched consisted of an online alumni survey, digital and paper editions of The Daily Iowan, Press Citizen and Gazette newspapers, and The University of Iowa annual yearbooks.This study begins by highlighting the early growth of the band program that significantly impacted the ...
In case you forgot, the show also starred Kendall Schmidt, Carlos PenaVega,James Maslow, Logan Henderson and Ciara Bravo, and was about a group of high school friends who traded in their homework for the opportunity of a lifetime to become a world famous boy band! [3] He celebrated his...