We count IOs which are listed in either the Yearbook of International Organizations or the Correlates of War data set and which mention education in the IO’s programmatic mission statement as a designated task of the IO (be it in the IO’s preamble, founding treaty, amended treaties, or ...
The choice, certain, was not applied in the past for the didactic area, where the nomination was based on the order of registration in the yearbook. Today, howeverGeorge Iordanidis
(and preferably both) to keep horses. I attended alocal co-ed comprehensive secondary school, and none of my council estatefriends rode, and only the farming kids had ponies or horses. This bringsme to the following questions, which I will address in the following. Howgender-neutral is the...
The concluding chapter considers the findings of the book at the light of academic studies and research of entrepreneurship and looks at what explains the evolution of entrepreneurship in transition countries. The chapter stresses that there are still differences between these countries, even those integ...
The impact of school closure was not measurable prior to the flattening of the curve because that was during the traditional Chinese New Year, no school opened before the flattening. For the entire study period, however, the impact of school closure seems to only have significant impact in the...
81. CSY. China Statistical Yearbook. 2020:National Bureau of Statistics of China. Publisher's Note Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in pub- lished maps and institutional affiliations. Ready to submit your research ? Choose BMC and benefit from: • fast, ...
The Economics of Globalization: A Labor View 1 Thomas Palley, Assistant Director of Public Policy, AFL-CIO Published in Teich, Nelsom, McEaney, and Lita (eds.), Science and Technology Policy Yearbook 2000, American Economic Association for the Advancement of Science, Washington, DC, 2000. ...
5、He always believed better times laying ahead, and this was reflected in his high schoolyearbookentry.(他时常相信更好的时期在向方,这在他高中的年鉴词条被反映出来。) 6、If Dede would just leave, I could take theyearbookupstairs, I thought.(我想,如果黛德现在就离开,我便可以把校刊拿上楼去。
The main parts of the sample data were derived from the China Urban Statistical Yearbook and China Regional Economic Statistical Yearbook; green patent data were obtained from the State Intellectual Property Office; high-speed rail-related data were taken from the Superior Train Timetable software....
According to the Berlin Senate Education Department, there were 2440 permanent teaching positions to be filled for the school year 2021/22, which was nearly 500 less than KMK expected in 2020. At the beginning of the school year, 2886 teachers could be hired, but not all of them full-time...