add_result_backend_time_logging INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade a65458420354 -> ca69c70ec99b, tracking_url INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade ca69c70ec99b -> a9c47e2c1547, add impersonate_user to dbs INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade ca69c70ec99b...
As a result, versioned views contain the same columns and rows as the base table they represent. Legacy: Versioned views used to be called multiversioned views. A summary of how versioned views work Each versioned table or feature class has associated delta tables that record edits made to it...
Maybe this is a result of being a technical guy and... Author: FrankFi Date: 03/30/2009 Jet Blue is still alive or in the need of DBS Hi… most US citizens see in the term Jet Blue the airline. Some others (like me) remember there was... Author: FrankFi Date: 03/24/2009 ...
This device is fully integrated with AIRBNB and when excessive noise (over 80 dBs) is detected during our quiet hour (10 pm - 8am second day), an alarm will be sent off to you through Airbnb to remind you to keep the noise down and move your activities inside our home. If the ...
After reading up a ksh manual online I found out that quoting the delimiter turns off parsing with this shell too. So either use SamBones suggestion, which should be the most portable one (but in my eyes makes the here-doc harder to read) or quote the token that starts the here-doc:...
switch ( nResult ){case enumCompleted:Reset();case enumError:case enumNone:return nResult;break;case enumRepeat:return m_nTaskProgID;break;case enumToNextTask:default:break;}m_indexCmd ++;return m_nTaskProgID;} Reset(); return enumCompleted;...
MVS can enlarge the single measurement range, and the multicameras capture the shape of the object during the measurement process at a certain moment instantaneously; thus, MVS is not only suitable for measuring static and nonstrict static objects but also for dynamic and real-time online measurem...
It may result in a one-quarter reduction of the spatial resolution in the spatial-multiplexed system and four-fold acceleration of the LCD response time in the time-multiplexed system, respectively [19]. These practical problems prevent the stereoscopic technique from being widely applied for the ...
The root directory of the mailbox databases is mounted as another mount point. In this example, a mount point of C:\ExchDBs is used. Next, a directory structure is created so that a parent directory is created for the database. Under this parent directory, two subdirectories are created:...
However, the phenotype description in most LSDBs is very scarce. The Human Variome Project (HVP) [5] is an international initiative aiming ultimately at the worldwide collection and harmonization of all human genetic variations and associated phenotypic data. The GEN2PHEN project also represents ...