To change the position of the plane, rotate the model and clickUpdate Planein the PropertyManager. You can also create a reference plane that is normal to view without using thePlanePropertyManager. Right-click a face in the graphics area and clickCreate a Plane Parallel to Screen. ...
Calculates values normal to the plane that you select in Section 1. Show section cap Displays a section cap with the color specified in the Edit Color box. Clear this option to see inside the model. Keep cap color Continues to display the section cap with the color sp...
21、动铰链连接构件:现在你要再设立三个铰链,构造模式为2 Bod-1 Loc和Normal to Grid。用这种方式建立铰链,你先要选取两个构件,再选位置。在下述位置设置铰链:1、手柄与连杆之间的Point_82、连杆与钩子之间的Point_93、钩子与曲柄之间的Point_2模型运动仿真在本部分你要再次进行仿真来检验你是否把各构件和运动铰...
Here is a practice exercise for Solidworks: 1. Open Solidworks software and create a new part document. 2. Draw a sketch on the top plane to create a rectangular base. Use the rectangle tool and specify the dimensions as per your requirements. 3. Use the extrude feature to give the base...
8 选项Normal to grid(垂直于栅格):当工作栅格工作时,垂直于栅格;否则,垂直于屏幕。Pick feature(选取方向):通过一个在栅格或者屏幕平面内的方向矢量去顶连接方向。8 运动副约束(简单) 工具图标名 称图 例限 自由 度移 动转 动转 动 副移 动 副圆 柱 副球 形副3223223033311321固 定 副恒 速 副平 面...
loc选择约束的两个部件和一个定位点选择约束的两个部件和一个定位点2 body-2 loc选择两个约束部件和两个点来定位选择两个约束部件和两个点来定位第二个第二个下拉菜下拉菜单单Normal to Grid表示约束的表示约束的Z Z轴为与系统工作平面轴为与系统工作平面垂直的轴垂直的轴Pick feature选择点确定方向矢量来定义...
If this checkbox is enabled (checkmarked) then the geometry will be repositioned so that it is sitting flush with the top of the Z plane (the horizontal plane). The default is enabled. Scale Geometry to be no Large Than... This option allows the geometry data to be automatically rescal...
ISaveTo3DExperienceOptions IScaleFeatureData IScrewMateFeatureData ISecondaryMemberBetweenPointsFeatureData ISecondaryMemberSupportPlaneFeatureData ISecondaryMemberUpToMembersFeatureData ISecondaryStructuralMemberFeatureData ISectionViewData ISelectData ISelectionMgr ISelectionSet ISelectionSetFolder ISelecti...
When you selectSelected Plane, values are calculated normal to the plane you select inSection 1in the PropertyManager. By default, when you open theSection ViewPropertyManager,Reference Planeis selected. The view offset, as shown by the triad arrow, is perpendicular to the plane selected inSection...
Accurate axial and plane projection draw of the impeller could be drawed by Solidworks software,and the midline of the flow path between vanes is divided exactly. 应用Solidworks软件进行叶轮轴面投影和平面投影图绘制,并对流道中线进行准确等分;对两圆弧法绘制叶片平面投影图中相对液流角的计算误差会造成叶...