IBM Tivoli NetView for z/OS バージョン 6 リリース 1 ユーザーズ・ガイド: NetView SA88-4400-00 (英文原典:SC27-2867-00) IBM Tivoli NetView for z/OS バージョン 6 リリース 1 ユーザーズ・ガイド: NetView SA88-4400-00 (英文原典:SC27-2867-00) お願い 本書および本書で...
There are online tools which are shown to be of great value for patients in the decision of which reconstruction to choose ( This is valid for all patients in need of a reconstruction, not just women with BRCA mutation [173]. 12. Male breast...
An extension to the used to provide additional information to manage the Stream Control Transmission Protocol RFC 2960). CISCO-IETF-SCTP-MIB 94 8/8/2001 (cSctpMIB) The MIB module for managing SCTP protocol RFC 2960). CISCO-IETF-VDSL-LINE-MIB ...
Villemure JG, Meagher-Villemure K, Montes JL, Farmer JP, Broggi G. Disconnective hemispherectomy for hemispheric dysplasia. Epileptic Disord. 2003;5 Suppl 2:S125–30. Epub 2003/11/18. PubMedGoogle Scholar Schramm J, Kral T, Clusmann H. Transsylvian keyhole functional hemispherectomy. Neuros...
Probiotics have been widely applied in aquaculture industry as sustainable and environmentally friendly tools to sustain host’s health and the well-being. Among probiotics, Bacillus species have great potential applications in aquaculture because they c
The Title Self The first term in this book's title is "Self." It calls attention to the fact that the Sanskrit term ātman is very important in Indian religious thought. It can mean merely "body" or the body's "breath;" and it can also be used as a reflexive pronoun, as in "my...
Irrigated Public Open Space: Code of Practice; IPOS Consulting: Adelaide, SA, Australia, 2008; p. 46. Available online: (accessed on 3 January 2014). [53] Nouri, H.; Anderson, S.; ...
My observations: -- 1. When using "--accept-lang" to enable and use SPWS, some languages work and others don't. For instance, "fr,de,es,ta,hi,ml,te" work but NOT "ar,sa,kn,mr,gu,pa,as,bn". To confirm that all the language codes I am specifying are correct only, I referr...
Cardenosa, W. Parsons The art of mammographic positioning Radiol Clin, 30 (1) (1992), pp. 21-53 View in ScopusGoogle Scholar 18 A.H. Schwabegger, B. Del Frari Surgery of other congenital anomalies of the anterior thoracic wall A.H. ...
This is close to my view that the expression pūrva(karma) saṃskārahetuka refers to the stability of its fruition rather than the karmic continuity between the previous and present lives.76 Thus, I believe that these later testimonies are equivalent. There is, indeed, a passage that ...