Zhuo told CCTV.com, "When I first went to Africa on my own, many people did not believe that the Chinese would come to Africa to protect wildlife. Some people even thought that all Chinese liked to buy ivory... But actions speak louder than words. Only actions can change their stereotyp...
摘要: Background Because effective communication skills are crucial for every physician, this study evaluated students' competence to take asufficient medical history. This ability was measured via reports...关键词: Medical history Anamnesis Doctor-patient communication Empathy Medical students ...
The meaning of VIEW is extent or range of vision : sight. How to use view in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of View.
View stresses individuality of outlook: "My view is ... that freedom of speech means that you shall not do something to people either for the views they have or the views they express" (Hugo L. Black). Opinion is applicable to a judgment based on grounds insufficient to rule out the ...
structured and complete medical history. Additionally, the lack of students’ engagement was criticized by the training physicians. An insufficiency of student supervision was also shown as only half of the departments have a?fixed supervisor for the students during the internship.ConclusionThe data ...
Online First Early View Online first articles are accepted and edited, peer reviewed articles that are not yet assigned to volumes/issues, but are citable using DOI. Online First Editorials December 19 2024 Oxygenation of Immature Infants in the Delivery Room and Beyond: A Quest for Future ...
After ten minutes of discussion about my medical history, my eating habits, my family history and the current Maple Leaf standings in the NHL, he was able to give me even more relief by saying “I’m pretty sure your problem is one that involves your diet. Put simply, the food you’re...
In tonight’s episode, we play Jackbox games and offer in-depth coverage of the New Hampshire primary, which boils down to me screaming at my TV like a maniac! We also break the glass around the Poufwanian Constitution to double-check the line of succession when I’m viciously attacked...
” Media-Based Forms of Participation in Religious Practices“Searching for a Better Life with My Community”: Migratory Trends in Religious-Based Social Net-Works‘Dramatic Theology’ as a Process of Discernment for Our Time‘On the Lapsed’: Comparative Ethnographic Perspectives on ‘Lapsing’ ...
Heroin causes a demyelination characterized by the presence of vacuoles surrounded by a network of thin myelinated fibers [39,40,41]. Ropper et al. described a special form of leukoencephalopathy, observed in the white matter of the cerebrum and, occasionally, also in the cerebellum, after ...