Each ACL IP address pool supports a maximum of 64 IP addresses. In the scenario when PBR is used to redirect packets to multiple next hops, if the device has no ARP entry matching the specified next hop IP address, the redirection does not take effect. The device still forwards packets ...
# Redirect incoming packets with source IP address from Tunnel 1 to Tunnel 2 based on an advanced ACL. <HUAWEI> system-view [HUAWEI] acl 3000 [HUAWEI-acl-adv-3000] rule 5 permit ip source [HUAWEI-acl-adv-3000] quit [HUAWEI] interface tunnel 1 [HUAW...
On the map, client groups represent client machines that connect to the mapped machine. A single client group represents the clients for an individual process or machine. To see the monitored clients and IP addresses of the systems in a client group, select the group. The contents of the gro...
A LayerView is created on demand by the MapView when a layer is added the to list of layers of its map. The subclass can implement multiple functions of the LayerView lifecycle. First, the attach() method is called when the LayerView is about to start drawing the layer's content; i...
Use Bookmarks to access a set of predefined locations on the map. If you are a map author, you can create bookmarks. 11. Search Use the geocoder at the top of the map viewer to find locations on the map, such as addresses, places, intersections, cities, points of interest, monuments,...
If you don't need map functionality, the program can also be deployed easily with a single click on Vercel. Advanced Usage If you're using a proxy for internet access, consider adding this rule to your proxy configuration (modify it according to your client). This setup lets you check bot...
import javafx.scene.control.cell.MapValueFactory; import javafx.scene.control.cell.TextFieldTableCell; import javafx.scene.layout.VBox; import javafx.scene.text.Font; import javafx.stage.Stage; import javafx.util.Callback; import javafx.util.StringConverter; public class TableViewSample extends Applicat...
Loads the given URL with additional HTTP headers, specified as a map from name to value. LoadUrl(String) Loads the given URL. Measure(Int32, Int32) This is called to find out how big a view should be. (Inherited from View) MeasureChild(View, Int32, Int32) Ask one of the chil...
map Mapautocast An instance of a Map object to display in the view. A view may only display one map at a time. On the other hand, one Map may be viewed by multiple MapViews and/or SceneViews simultaneously. This property is typically set in the constructor of the MapView or Scene...
For example, the attribute OrderId from the OrdersView view object would map to the attribute OrderId from the Shared_OrdersVA view accessor. Optionally, when you want to specify supplemental values that your list returns to the base view object, click Add icon in List Return Values and map...