protected NSScrubberSelectionView (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t); Parameters t NSObjectFlag Applies to Xamarin.Mac SDK 14 ProductVersions Xamarin.Mac SDK 14 NSScrubberSelectionView(IntPtr) C# Copy protected internal NSScrubberSelectionView (IntPtr handle); Parameters handle IntPtr Applies to Xamar...
Here you can include fields like material, po number, GR number and IR number, vendor number etc in output of report. Go to this T code and enter the GR/IR clearing account number. GR/IR clearing document gives the entries of MIGO and MIRO. So you will get the MIGO Number, Miro Num...
Cloud Integration SAP Business Technology Platform View products (2)Introduction: This document describes that if the standard API is not available to fulfil any integration requirement, then how to create an external API using standard or custom CDS view in S/4HANA cloud so that we can get ...
SAP HANA Software Product View products (1) This blog is result of a couple of questions I posted here on SCN and I wanted to share my findings. Background is based on a problem we faced with a HANA calculation view that was not performing as we’d like to see it and there didn’...
13,811 SAP Managed Tags: SD (Sales and Distribution) Hi, HOW TO VIEW CREATED SALES ORDER? what is the transcation code for that? Thanx...Know the answer? Help others by sharing your knowledge. Answer Need more details? Request clarification before answering. Comment Comments...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development hi, check this code, here i used function module to get details of cdhdr,cdpos. TABLES : MARC. DATA :BEGIN OF GI_MARC OCCURS 0, MATNR LIKE MARC-MATNR, WERKS LIKE MARC-WERKS, DISPO LIKE MARC-DISPO, END OF GI_MARC. DATA : CHAR TYPE I, COUNT TYP...
1. We cannot have two General Item Category groups for a single material as this data is stored at Client level 2. If we have Item category group as BANS or NORM then the same should be maintained in table T184L ( Tcode - 0184 for delivery type) to perform inbound delivery for thir...
- Reliability, Stability, Availability - Network, Infrastructure Integration - EDA, SAP I/F, Legacy I/F - AutoSimulation/RTD, ObjectSpace/APC, ... Customization - Reporting ( FDC ), OPI - Automation Impl - EQ I/F, RFID I/F - SiView enhancement - MM, Reporting Skill ! SiView Standard...
Copy Code void CSectionForm::OnInitialUpdate() { m_pSet = &GetDocument()->m_sectionSet; CRecordView::OnInitialUpdate(); } When the recordset opens, it selects records. CRecordset::Open or CDaoRecordset::Open makes the first record the current record, and DDX moves data from the recordset...
Change Number and Material Revision fields in the Material Revision mask and what SAP specific information will be contained in the message queue that will be thrown out when executing the item reservation. Documentation of function xcpy_str /ver does not describe the The Parameter to avoid ...