CheckedListBox.ObjectCollection CheckState Clipboard CloseReason ColorDepth ColorDialog ColumnClickEventArgs ColumnClickEventHandler ColumnHeader ColumnHeaderAutoResizeStyle ColumnHeaderConverter ColumnHeaderStyle ColumnReorderedEventArgs ColumnReorderedEventHandler ColumnStyle ColumnWidthChangedEventArgs ColumnWidthChangedEvent...
The View property allows you to specify the type of display the ListView control uses to display items. You can set the View property to display each item with large or small icons or display items in a vertical list. The richest option is the details view, which allows you to view not...
Events consist of any changes that have happened in the mission details. The default order of these events will be with the most recent on top. The Events List is accessed through the Events List button in the mission analyst experience. If you log out of your current session, you will ...
CheckedListBox 控件 ColorDialog 组件 ComboBox 控件 ContextMenu 组件 ContextMenuStrip 控件 DataGrid 控件 DataGridView 控件 DataGridView 控件 将设计器与 Windows 窗体 DataGridView 控件结合使用 DataGridView 控件概述 Windows 窗体 DataGridView 控件中的默认功能 ...
Retrieve the list of areas within this view's post-layout coordinate space where the system should not intercept touch or other pointing device gestures. -or- Sets a list of areas within this view's post-layout coordinate space where the system should not intercept touch or other pointing devi...
The Events View displays events that are captured in monitored operations, including the details of message bodies and headers for selected events. Several options are available for managing the way information is displayed in the view.
Retrieve the list of areas within this view's post-layout coordinate space where the system should not intercept touch or other pointing device gestures. -or- Sets a list of areas within this view's post-layout coordinate space where the system should not intercept touch or other pointing devi...
You can also use the Project Summary web part to view tasks from the task list(s) or events from the calendar(s) with due dates that have either recently passed, or that are coming up relatively soon. Note:Tasks that are included on the timeline are not i...
The Events View displays events that are captured by enabled event monitors. The perspective at the right of Recording Studio is divided into two views: a list of captured events on top and details for the selected event at the bottom. Within the view, you can send a response to selected ...
to the countdown, the web part can display either the timeline for the project, or a list of late and upcoming tasks and calendar events. You can use the arrow buttons, at the upper-right corner of the web part, to cycle between the timeline and the late/upcoming t...