使用Microsoft Visual Studio Code 對在 WebView2 控件中執行的腳本進行偵錯。Visual Studio Code 具有用於瀏覽器偵錯的內建調試程式。 請參閱VS Code 中的瀏覽器偵錯。 建立launch.json檔案 若要對程式代碼進行偵錯,您的項目必須有launch.json檔案。launch.json檔案是調試程式組態檔,可設定及自定義 Visual Studio...
按上述方法封装之后,例如,Webview端想要执行名为openFileInVscode命令只需要这样: callVscode({cmd:'openFileInVscode',path:`package.json`},(message) =>{this.alert(message); }); 然后在插件端的messageHandler实现openFileInVscode方法即可,其它都不用管: constmessageHandler = {// 省略其它方法openFileInV...
A JavaScript error indicates where the JSON syntax error is located: In a code editor, such as Microsoft Visual Studio Code, go to the indicated column number to inspect the JSON:Search the JSON dataTo search for text within the JSON data, use the JSON viewer's Find feature, as follows:...
JARFile JavaSource Join JoinNode JournalMessage JSAPI JSBlankApplication JSCoffeeScript JSConsole JSCordovaMultiDevice JSFixedLayoutApplication JSGridApplication JSHubApplication JSInteractiveWindow JSNavigationApplication JSONScript JSPhone JSPhoneError JSProjectNode JSScript JSSharedProject JSSplitApplication JS...
Pull to Refresh is a visual effect originally found in Tweetie2 which became a popular effect among many applications. To add automatic pull-to-refersh support to your dialogs, you only need to do two things: hook up an event handler to be notified when the user pulls the data and notify...
Here's the package.json for the first version of the Cat Coding extension. You can find the complete code for the example app here. The first version of our extension contributes a command called catCoding.start. When a user invokes this command, we will show a simple webview with our ...
啊,咋还报错了?publisher是啥??一脸懵逼。不慌,按链接[11] 我知道了 publisher 是一个可以将扩展发布到Visual StudioCode Marketplace 的身份。每个扩展都需要在其package.json文件中包含一个发布者名称。如果注册发布者我们后面详说,这里我们把publisher设置为luozhu。
The webviewAPIallows extensions to create fully customizable views withinVisual StudioCode. Webviews can also be used to build complex user interfaces beyond what VS Code’s native APIs support. 让VS Code 插件能够通过渲染 HTML 来创建复杂UI,而不仅限于其 API 支持,这种灵活性让插件有了更多的可能...
Root,'node_modules',moduleName))) {returnnewDependency(moduleName,version,vscode.TreeItemCollapsibleState.Collapsed);}else{returnnewDependency(moduleName,version,vscode.TreeItemCollapsibleState.None);}};constpackageJson=JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(packageJsonPath,'utf-8'));constdeps=packageJson....
View the Visual Studio Code Diff of any file change by clicking on it. Open the current version of any file that was affected in the commit. Copy the path of any file that was affected in the commit to the clipboard. Click on any HTTP/HTTPS url in the commit body to open it in yo...