Turn off Show my view history for this document. Turn off view history for all files On your computer, open Google Docs, Sheets, or Slides. At the top left, click Menu Settings. Under "Activity dashboard," turn off Show your view history. If you don’t see Activity dashboard or the...
1.Opendocs.google.com and start creating a new document file. 2. Once content is added to the document gotoFile > See revisions history. This will display ‘document history’ bar on the right side. 3. Be default, it will show major changes or revisions made to the document file. Tov...
Go to History and select Clear browsing data. Check the Passwords and passkeys or Saved passwords box. The name may vary based on your device. Select Clear data. This will permanently delete all your saved passwords, and you won’t be able to restore them. Tips for better password manageme...
History>Search History>Clear All Search History. Or if you use the YouTube app, select yourprofile iconon iOS (or theMenu iconon Android) >Settings>Clear search history>OK. History>Clear Browsing Data>All time>Clear data. On iOS, select thethree dots>History>Clear Browsing Data>All Time> ...
MMMaterialDesignSpinner - An iOS activity spinner modeled after Google's Material Design Spinner. 【 Priview 1】 SCSkypeActivityIndicatorView - Activity indicator view similar to the one seen in the Skype apps. 【 Priview 1 | Priview 2】 MDFlickrActivityIndicatorView - Flickr-like activity indica...
Here's how to view or clear the call history or delete individual calls from your LG V30. Open the Phone app . Tap the Recent tab to view the call history. Perform any of the following: Delete Individual Calls Tap the individual call you want to delete. ...
Name Last commit message Last commit date Latest commit Cannot retrieve latest commit at this time. History 1,266 Commits .github build cmd/cheat configs doc internal mocks scripts vendor .gitignore CONTRIBUTING.md Dockerfile HACKING.md INSTALLING.md ...
Open a CSV file with Google Sheets Open a CSV file with OpenOffice CalcAbout your export file Export files contain your audience fields along with contact data that Mailchimp collects. If you have GDPR-friendly forms enabled for your audience, the CSV file header will match the GDPR form fie...
Article Google Scholar Fard AM, Mesbah A (2013) Jsnose: detecting javascript code smells. In: IEEE 13th international working conference on source code analysis and manipulation (SCAM). IEEE, Eindhoven, pp 116–125 Fischer M, Pinzger M, Gall H (2003) Populating a release history database...
SVWebViewController *webViewController = [[SVWebViewControlleralloc]initWithAddress:@"http://google.com"]; [self.navigationControllerpushViewController:webViewControlleranimated:YES]; It can also be presented modally usingSVModalWebViewController: ...