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aim, intent, intention, purpose, design - an anticipated outcome that is intended or that guides your planned actions; "his intent was to provide a new translation"; "good intentions are not enough"; "it was created with the conscious aim of answering immediate needs"; "he made no secret...
View 类是视图导航器使用的所有视图的容器基类。View 容器扩展 Group 容器并添加用于与其父导航器通信的其它属性。 在手机应用程序中,应用程序的内容区域显示组成应用程序的各个屏幕或视图。用户通过使用触摸屏、在应用程序中构建的组件和手机设备的输入控件来导航应用程序的视图。 下图显示了包含 List 控件的 View 容器...
PageAlignmentGuides Pagination ParagraphAlignmentGuides Parent PasteAdjustParagraphSpacing PasteAdjustTableFormatting PasteAdjustWordSpacing PasteFormatBetweenDocuments PasteFormatBetweenStyledDocuments PasteFormatFromExternalSource PasteFormatWithinDocument PasteMergeFromPPT PasteMergeFromXL PasteMergeLists PasteOptionKeepBullet...
Have a question about Canvas? Ask in the Q&A forum: Ask a Question Embed this guide in your Canvas course: Embed this Guide Note: You can only embed guides in Canvas courses. Embedding on other sites is not supported.View our top guides and resources ...
Drop the element at the top, bottom, right or left of an element based on Live Guides. Or, drop the element at a precise place in the document structure by clicking </> and using the DOM panel. The element gets inserted into the page and is highlighted.Marquee...
The selector in focus is highlighted with an amber border. If you press the Tab key after the last applied selector, the add selector text box appears. Note: You can use Ctrl+[ or Cmd+[ to select the parent element and Ctrl+] or Cmd+] to select the child element. ...
ToggleGuides TogglePivot TogglePivotFreeForm ToggleStackView ToggleViewBySchema ToggleWireframe ToggleWorld ToolBar ToolBarPanel ToolBarTray 工具箱 ToolstripAlignment ToolstripContainer ToolstripPanelBottom ToolstripPanelLeft ToolstripPanelRight ToolstripPanelTop ToolTip ToolWindow TopBorder TopicDestination Topic...
About UIView content mode (UIViewContentMode)- From the documentation: The content mode specifies how the cached bitmap of the view’s layer is adjusted when the view’s bounds change. For an image view...
ToggleGuides TogglePivot TogglePivotFreeForm ToggleStackView ToggleViewBySchema ToggleWireframe ToggleWorld ToolBar ToolBarPanel ToolBarTray 工具箱 ToolstripAlignment ToolstripContainer ToolstripPanelBottom ToolstripPanelLeft ToolstripPanelRight ToolstripPanelTop ToolTip ToolWindow TopBorder TopicDestination Topic...