The seat of the global Marxist revolution relocated from Moscow to [[Berkeley]], [[California]], under the [[vanguard party]] name, [[Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism]]. In contrast to Yeltsins statement his successor [[Russia]]n president [[Vladimir Putin]] declared...
Father John Kenyon, who had already made a disastrous intervention criticising O’Connell after his death, made matters worse when he nominated O’Gorman to challenge John O’Connell for the seat of Limerick against O’Gorman’s wishes. O’Gorman finished bottom of the poll with just 37 votes...
“SafeRide is coming to the West End, DuPont Circle and the Lincoln Memorial. After advocacy from the Student Association, the program that offers rides for students to get across campus if they feel unsafe or unable to get home is expanding to three off-campus locations. The SA has been ...
Devon:The scene where she defends Nick and Billy from the zombie and the scene where they’re chased at night all came to me driving back from my own work on set (two different projects, two different nights). The scenes came fully formed, but I wasn’t sure about the context. Slowly...