Secure online EXIF viewer tool, perfect for viewing image and meta data including GPS location, camera make/model and photo author.
Image EXIF data: Online image metadata and EXIF viewer This tool allows you to see image EXIF data and other available meta information usingExifTool, ImageMagick'sidentifyand Linuxfilecommands. What is EXIF data? EXIF (Exchangeable Image File Format) data is a standard that specifies the formats...
View Exif Data is a tool for extracting the exif metadata that is embedded in photos taken with digital cameras and stored in JPEG format. Exif stands for "exchangeable image file format" and represents the metadata the is embeded in photos by digital camera manufacturers. The types of metadata...
Viewing Exif Data on a Mac A Mac computer should have built in tools to allow you to see the EXIF data on a jpg photo file. All you have to do is choose the image you want, then open your photo with Preview. 1. Go toTools->Show Inspector; ClickExifTab, you can see the Exif d...
ExifDataView是一款用来读取和显示JPG图片文件中的Exif数据信息的小工具。只需上传照片即可查看完整EXIF信息,包括机身、镜头型号、拍摄时间、相机快门次数,支持JPEG、TIFF、CR2、NEF、XMP等多种图片格式。53.82 KBM | 11-03下载介绍 ExifDataView是一款用来读取和显示JPG图片文件中的Exif数据信息的小工具。只需上传...
ExifDataView是一款图片exif信息查看工具,ExifDataView支持查看照片的拍摄时间、拍摄使用的设备、曝光时间、ISO光感度等等,有需要的用户可以下载。 软件特色 ExifDataView是一个小型实用程序,用于读取和显示存储在数码相机生成的.jpg图像文件中的Exif数据。 EXIF数据包括创建相机的公司名称,相机型号,照片拍摄的日期/时间,曝...
How to View EXIF Data in Windows 10/8/7 Step 1. Right-click on a photo and choose Properties. Step 2. On the pop-up window, click on Details tab and scroll down. Step 3. Now you should see various information, such as camera model and settings. ...
ExifDataView 官方版 软件大小:58 KB 软件语言:英文 更新时间:2024-07-23 授权:免费软件 适用平台:Win8,Win7,WinXP 推荐度:6分 无病毒官方版 点击查看大图 软件介绍 ExifDataView是一个免费的Exif数据浏览器,可用来管理你的数码照片。支持EXIF 2.3和MakerNote。无须安装,下载后直接运行即可使用。
Solved: Hi Folks. Last week I could see the EXIF data on screen at the top left corner, this week it's gone. I can't find anywhere in preferences or settings - 12325728
ExifDataView(exif信息查看器) v1.16 ExifDataView(exif信息查看器) v1.16系统其他 软件等级: 软件大小:200.41KB 支持语言:英文 授权方式:免费版 软件分类:系统软件/系统其他 官网链接: 更新时间:2024-09-15 17:30:01 运行环境:WinXp,Win2003,WinVista,Win 7,Win 8,Win 10,x64...