using (ETWTraceEventSource source = new ETWTraceEventSource剩下的两个是100 no,没有显示日志条目。如果我在PerfView中打开它们,我可以看到文件没有什么问题,所有的日志条目都在那里。 浏览1提问于2015-03-18得票数2
例如在Visual Studio 2017中的性能查探器,Windows SDK中的Windows Performance Recorder (WPR) 和Windows Performance Analyzer (WPA),XPerf,当然,还有这篇博客介绍的PerfView。 但在介绍PerfView的使用前,有一个在Windows系统及应用程序性能这个主题上扮演重要角色的技术必须被提及,这就是Event Trace for Windows (ETW...
there is an issue tag called 'question' that you should use as well that marks your issue as a question rather than some bug report. If the question is specific to a particular trace (*.ETL.ZIP file) you can drag that file onto the issue and it will be downloaded. This allows those...
Collect an ETL trace with PerfViewPerfView is a tool that creates ETL (event trace log) files based on Event Tracing for Windows that can be useful in troubleshooting some kinds of issues with Visual Studio. Occasionally when you report a problem, the product team might ask...
7.以下命令会停止日志跟踪会话: tracelog -stop TestEventdrv 1. 8.用tracerpt显示tracedrv.etl中的日志: tracerpt Eventdrv.etl 1. 这个命令会生成2个文件:summary.txt和dumpfile.xml.dumpfile.xml会以xml格式显示事件信息 9.卸载manifest: wevtutil um evntdrv.xml 1....
cube studio开源云原生一站式机器学习/深度学习/大模型AI平台,支持sso登录,多租户,大数据平台对接,notebook在线开发,拖拉拽任务流pipeline编排,多机多卡分布式训练,超参搜索,推理服务VGPU,边缘计算,serverless,标注平台,自动化标注,数据集管理,大模型微调,vl
To view event trace data from an event trace log file See Also This topic describes how to use PerfView to view Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server event trace data that is stored in an event trace log (.etl) file.To install PerfViewGo
Could you take a performance trace for the repro for triage? How to take the performance trace:#1540 (comment). As the resulted etl file could be large, please share it via some cloud drive. As the latest Edge WebView2 Runtime logs more event, if you could get a trace with the late...
Set the Data file field to the path and name of the log file in which to store the trace event data. The file name must have the .etl file name extension. Choose Advanced options. The upper part of the Advanced optionsarea includes check boxes and fields that...