一、ViewBag和ViewData的定义 二、ViewBag和ViewData的区别 ViewBag不再是字典的键值对结构,而是dynamic动态类型,它会在程序运行的时候动态解析。 1、ViewBag其实本质就是ViewData,只是多了层Dynamic控制。所以,使用何种方式完全取决于你的个人
ViewData: Controller里取数据赋值 varmarkeType =newMarketDataProvider().GetBTIDData().Where(a=>a.ID!="0");//在数据库获取数据,这是list数据ViewBag.DateType= markeType;//给ViewBag.DateType 赋值 “DateType ”可以随便写名称。 * 前台调用 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 @foreach (var modelMarket in ViewDat...
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4862122/mvc-razor-dynamic-model-object-does-not-contain-definition-for-propertyname http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5366646/is-model-dynamic-valid-in-an-asp-net-mvc3-cshtml-page
To start with, ViewData, ViewBag, and TempData all three are objects in ASP.NET MVC that are used to carry or pass data in different scenarios. You may have a requirement to pass data in the following cases: ·Pass data from the controller to view; ...
选择 MVC View Page 模板向项目添加标准视图。 图1:向项目添加新视图(单击查看大图) 请注意,不能像在 ASP.NET 或 Active Server Pages 应用程序中添加页面一样在项目中随意添加视图。必须将视图添加到与控制器名称相同(不带 Controller 前缀)的文件夹中。例如,如果想创建名称为 Index 的新视图,并且它能够由名称...
NET MVC [CORE MVC] How to get parent controller name in a partial view? [Critical Question] Can mvc's controller method be concurrently executed in one page?? [DataType(DataType.EmailAddress)] Vs. [EmailAddress] [HttpPost] vs [AcceptVerbs(HttpVerbs.Post)] [not required] for validation ...
本节将接着《白话学习MVC(九)View的呈现一》来继续对ViewResult的详细执行过程进行分析! 9、ViewResult ViewResult将视图页的内容响应给客户端! 由于ViewResult的View呈现过程比较复杂,在此先大致描述一下整个流程: 获取视图引擎,默认有两个:ASPX引擎、Razor引擎。 根据视图页名称,通过视图引擎去检查是否存在对应的...
“The behavior of a view in MVP is much the same as in MVC. It is the view’s responsibility to display the contents of a model. The model is expected to trigger appropriate change notifications whenever its data is modified and these allow the view to ‘hang off’ the model following ...
本节来看一下ASP.NET MVC【View的呈现】的内容,View的呈现是在Action执行之后进行,Action的执行生成一个ActionResult,【View的呈现】的功能就是:通过InvokeActionResult方法对【Action的执行】中生成的ActionResult进行处理。(ActionResult泛指那些继承自抽象类System.Web.Mvc.ActonResult的类的实例)...