await newView.Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () => { Frame frame = new Frame(); frame.Navigate(typeof(SecondaryPage), null); Window.Current.Content = frame; // You have to activate the window in order to show it later. Window.Current.Activate(); newViewId = Applicatio...
GetForCurrentView 显示 ShowAddAccountAsync ShowAddAccountForUserAsync ShowManageAccountsAsync ShowManageAccountsForUserAsync 事件 AccountsSettingsPaneCommandsRequestedEventArgs AccountsSettingsPaneEventDeferral CredentialCommand CredentialCommandCredentialDeletedHandler ... Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.BasePermissions Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.BaseType Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.BrowserFileHandling Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.CalendarType Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.CamlQuery Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Change 3.2.5...
private TabView? GetParentTabView(TabViewItem tab) { DependencyObject current = tab; while (current != null) { if (current is TabView tabView) { return tabView; } current = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(current); } return null; } Tip
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Netlogon\Parameters On theEditmenu, selectAdd Value, and then add the following registry value: Entry name: LdapSrvPriority Data type: REG_DWORD Value: Set the value to the value of the priority that you want. ...
Both of these ways of viewing data are possible usingsingle-selectandmulti-selectmode. In single-select mode, each time you tap a data point on a report page, the new selection replaces the current selection. In multi-select mode, you can select multiple data points. Each data point...
reset your Microsoft account password instead. Because your password is also as your Microsoft account password resetting it will give you back access to your Microsoft Outlook account. Simply visit, press "Change Password", and follow the ...
有时想要阻止用户在DataGridView控件中输入新的数据行或删除现有行。 新行在控件底部新记录的特殊行中输入。 禁用行添加时,不会显示新记录的行。 然后,可以通过禁用行删除和单元格编辑,使控件完全只读。 下面的过程需要一个 Windows 应用程序项目,该项目的窗体需包含一个DataGridView控件。 若要了解如何设置此类项目...
This method changes the current cell without changing the selection and optionally without validating the previous cell or changing the selection anchor cell. The anchor cell is the first cell of a block of multiple cells that the user can select by holding down the SHIFT key and clicking the ...
BAWKWebView - 用分类封装 WKWebView,一行代码搞定 request、URL、URLString、本地 HTML文件、HTMLString等请求,一个 block 搞定 title、progress、currentURL、当前网页的高度等等。 YQLWebViewProgress - 网页进度条显示,WebViewProgress. 【 Priview 1】 WYWebViewDemo - 进度条加载网页。【 Priview 1】 CH...